Home » Another Reason To Be An Autopian Member: I’ll Draw You A Damn Car

Another Reason To Be An Autopian Member: I’ll Draw You A Damn Car

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I get that this may be a personal question, but why haven’t you become an Autopian Member yet? I mean, if you have, fantastic, we really appreciate it, but if not, I have to ask why? Is it a medical thing? Is there some sort of rash? Maybe on your genitalia? [Ed Note: It’s OK if you’re not a member. JT is just playing. -DT]. Is that why you haven’t taken advantage of all the perks and exclusive content and merch and other mind-scrambling excitement that comes with being an Autopian Member? Because of some kind of rash on your junk? Well, I bet there’s a cream or something like that you can use – there’s really no need for that to stop you, but, regardless if that’s what’s preventing you from becoming an Autopian Member or not, I really do think you should have that looked at. We were just talking about it in our Slack channel – the contents of which we occasionally share with Autopian members, by the way – and we’re all a bit concerned. But, on the bright side, let me tell you about another perk of membership – a custom car drawing on your birthday! From me!

Well, this is actually a perk we have for Velour members and up – I can’t do these for just everybody, now, can I? I mean, I barely keep up with doing these! But, that’s good! That’s how we’re going to make this place work and thrive, by keeping me busy and all of you as happy as possible.

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Members get to pick a particular car for me to draw, and, incredibly, we’ve had shockingly few repeats. I’m continually amazed by that, to be honest. Here’s a sampling of some of the cars, so you can see what you get:




I like to have them all generally facing the same way because I was thinking if I ever put them all together in a big image – like I have above there – it might look cooler. Though one member did ask for a BMW 2002 taillight, and I couldn’t say no to that, because come on. And that one dude asked for an amphibious Corvette. I’ll do my best to draw whatever car I can find some sort of photo or other visual reference for. I could make up a car completely, too, I suppose, if you wanted? Just, you know, have pity on me and my limited skills.

Anyway, I like drawing these. It’s a way to interact directly with our members that gives me a chance to show my gratitude, which is significant, and I can listen to podcasts or old episodes of Firefly or something while I’m doing these.

So, become a Velour member and let me draw one of these for you! Matt loves to remind me how many I still have to do around the 20th of the month, too! I think he gets some weird thrill from it. [Ed note: it’s true, sending people their birthday emails is one of my favorite things!]


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Sampson Jackson
Sampson Jackson
7 months ago

How did I not know about this? You owe me a 1991 Honda Beat in red with an aftermarket hard top 🙂

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