Home » Check Out Our Booth At The LA Auto Show Before It Even Starts: Cold Start

Check Out Our Booth At The LA Auto Show Before It Even Starts: Cold Start

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One of the unexpected and wonderful things I’m grateful we have here at The Autopian is access to a chunk of floor space at the LA Auto Show. This little plot of carpeted real estate is carved out from the Greater Galpin Region of the Auto Show, and we get to park interesting cars here and decorate it as we please. So we did, and I want to show you what that looks like, partially because why not, and partially because each of these massive printed walls was an incredibly rushed job and I’m just relieved they turned out okay.

For logistical reasons I don’t fully comprehend, the size and locations of these panels wasn’t settled on until quite late in the game, so I had to crank out most of these things in one afternoon last weekend, reading the dimensions from a confusing spreadsheet attached to some obtuse CAD drawings. These were kind of a rush job is what I’m saying, and a big part of me was dreading coming to the show to find that I’d screwed up the huge prints in some obvious, embarrassing way, perhaps leading the authorities to be involved and me being taken in for questioning on charges of Being A Colossal Fuckup In Public.

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Happily, I evaded that fate one more day! I think they turned out pretty well!

These may be my favorites:

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These two are not tied to a specific car, and when I asked what we might want on them, Matt gave me the helpful advice of “I don’t know, just do some generic Autopian thing,” advice about as useful as him handing me a wet tuna sandwich and saying “see what you can do with this.”

In the end I got inspired by 1960s paperback book cover type of look for the one on the left, which is full of Autopian Things like DKW 2-stroke engines and Saab Aztec wheels and YJ Jeeps and Dodge A100 vans and Peugeot taillights and Tatras in front of pyramids, and so on.

The one on the right is sort of a Soviet Constructivist/American Jet Age mashup with a big block V8 in the background.

Oh, and yes, that is a Messerschmitt Tiger there, along with a Berkeley Sport SE328 and an Aston Martin Cygnet!

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There’s car-specific ones, like this one, because we got ourselves a real-ass Herbie here, bishes!

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That, of course, delights me, knowing that I’ll have at least this sentient Volkswagen to talk to after David and I get into a fight about grammar. Again.

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I also made a big Batmobile banner for this original-series Batmobile (the second one built), complete with blueprints.


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And, of course, we have a display for the legendary Daisy, which should be reason enough to come to our booth. This is the only one in the known universe!

Here’s a nice tour from Autopian co-founder Beau, taking over when the Roomba called in for a personal day:

This is going to be fun, and it’s open to the public starting Friday! I’ll be there, and we’ll be doing Car Trivia and giving out T-shirts on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Come out and say hi, dammit!



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Brau Beaton
Brau Beaton
11 months ago

One thing left to do – dump a pile of loose rust and spaghetti around a chair and put David’s name on it

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
11 months ago

The Nyan cars are fun.

11 months ago

When the show is done, I’ll be happy to dispose of the graphics. They would make my garage / motor racing bar / wheelbarrow shrimp dispensary look killer.

11 months ago

That looks awesome! Wish I could come see it in person, but getting time off during the school year is not really a thing.

Drunken Master Paul
Drunken Master Paul
11 months ago

looks great!

Mr. Fusion
Mr. Fusion
11 months ago

I requested a PTO day on Friday specifically to attend the Auto Show — which likely means that the universe will go out of its way to come up with a crazy circumstance that will prevent me from attending. But barring all that, I hope to see you all there!

Last edited 11 months ago by Mr. Fusion
11 months ago

As a long-time graphic designer with a past history stuck in precisely this kind of last-minute conference and trade show pressure, 1: fan-effing-tastic designs, OMG! Bravo! 2: I understand EXACTLY the logistics of designing/producing/delivering this material. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like a show deadline.

11 months ago
Reply to  MikeT-MA

I’ve only worked on a few trade stands, but the amount of effort from different people that goes into creating something that looks as great as this, is staggering. Especially when you remember that it’s all going to be torn down in just a few days.

11 months ago

charges of Being A Colossal Fuckup In Public

That’s not actually a crime, right? Asking for a friend.

Andy Farrell
Andy Farrell
11 months ago
Reply to  Turbeaux

It’s a lofty goal, but one I strive to achieve each new day, for sure ????

11 months ago

If grammar is causing arguments, perhaps it’s time to put her in a home.

Nice booth. I mean, it’s no John Wilkes, but visually it does strike like a shot to the head.

Marc Fuhrman
Marc Fuhrman
11 months ago

That is a really cool setup ya’ll have for the Autopian booth!

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
11 months ago

Matt: Jason gave me a drawing that said 18 inches. Now, whether or not he knows the difference between feet and inches is not my problem. I do what I’m told.

David: But you’re not as confused as him are you. I mean, it’s not your job to be as confused as Jason.

SWGI really think you’re just making much too big a thing out of it.

DavidMaking a big thing out of it would have been a good idea.

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Leave it to Autopia’s favorite goth uncle to lay down the perfect reference. Cheers, mate.

11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

A tiny Stonehenge dancing around the Autopian booth for no discernible reason would be 100% on brand.

Last edited 11 months ago by 10001010
11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

I want to like this but it goes to 11! I will golf clap instead.

Dan Pritts
Dan Pritts
11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

We’ve got a model of a GMC motorhome that’s in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
11 months ago
Reply to  Dan Pritts

Come on that’s no way to talk about Jason.

11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

I mean, he’s CLEARLY a gnome!

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
11 months ago

Now I have a severe, chronic and throbbing need to open my own deli just so that I can offer the signature sandwich “Torch’s Wet Tuna on Brioche”. One lucky door dash order will have their sammy hand delivered by the man himself in the ChangLi.

Paul B
Paul B
11 months ago

my 2 cents:

  • The wall art is perfect as it doesn’t explicitly give away what the Autopian is about. This will get people talking to you guys instead of just walking by.
  • and someone please align the Bat logos on the wheels of the Batmobile.
Jack Trade
Jack Trade
11 months ago
Reply to  Paul B

You mean…the bat knock-offs?

11 months ago
Reply to  Paul B

I love how the poster and car look just like the kit box and finished model. All while cleverly avoiding any trademark infringement (I hope)!

Dar Khorse
Dar Khorse
11 months ago

“That, of course, delights me, knowing that I’ll have at least this sentient Volkswagen to talk to after David and I get into a fight about grammar. Again.”

FWIW, David is correct. Your grammar is atrocious.

But your art skillz are amazing! What a delightful booth you all have there. An OG Batmobile AND Herbie the Love Bug??!! Dreamy… I wish I could attend and do a BACFLIP into the shrimp-barrow (thanks A. Barth!).

Last edited 11 months ago by Dar Khorse
11 months ago
Reply to  Dar Khorse
  • grammer
Duke of Kent
Duke of Kent
11 months ago
Reply to  10001010
Dar Khorse
Dar Khorse
11 months ago
Reply to  10001010

No, Torch’s spelling is fine. It are his grammar that are bad. There’s many examples. (Gahhhh, it physically pains me to type that!)

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
11 months ago
Reply to  Dar Khorse

His spelling is OK. No offense but the whole staff here needs to turn on spell check in their operating systems.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dar Khorse

Well, Jason is an art major. However, it’s kind of sad that an engineer is schooling him.

11 months ago

Came for the Saab representation. Not disappointed.

11 months ago

I have to be that guy and say you did goof on one thing: The Batmobile was based on the Lincoln Futura concept car, not Ford. Pedantic, perhaps, but Ford Futura implies it could have been based on a ’60s Falcon or malaise era Fairmont.

Really wish I could attend the show, I’m not that far away but this week is already packed for me.

11 months ago
Reply to  LTDScott

Think he was going for awesome absolute alliteration with that, but yeah I read it and my brain was like “something off with that?”

Alec Weinstein
Alec Weinstein
11 months ago
Reply to  LTDScott

Also the big block sure looks like an LS

11 months ago

These were kind of a rush job is what I’m saying, and a big part of me was dreading coming to the show to find that I’d screwed up the huge prints in some obvious, embarrassing way…

I’m glad it worked out for you, it looks great! However, there is a part of me that would have gotten some schadenfreude joy to see a Spinal Tap/Stonehenge moment.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
11 months ago

“…yes, that is a Messerschmitt Tiger…”

Are you sure? It looks more like an FMR Tg500.

11 months ago

I love the Ratmobile! 🙂 Joking aside, it looks great!

Andrea Petersen
Andrea Petersen
11 months ago

One of these days I’ll find a Herbie to park my Scorpion next to and see what happens

A. Barth
A. Barth
11 months ago

perhaps leading the authorities to be involved and me being taken in for questioning on charges of Being A Colossal Fuckup In Public.

If you change that to “F*cking Loser” you would have the acronym BACFLIP.

The graphics are fantastic! That sort of talent is as far outside of my wheelhouse as a really far-away thing, but I do like the results. The jet-age mashup just barely won the election in my head, thought the tally was something like 201 to 198 so it was close enough to a tie.

The Messerschmidt is a good choice, I think. IMO it represents the microcar segment in the same way that the Beetle represents the humble everyman car segment.

Have a great show!

11 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth




11 months ago

JT, I won’t keep saying this, but you gotta find Kevin Hart and bring him to your booth for an interview if he’s there. (Added bonus for you, you’d absolutely tower over him!)

Also, the booth looks great. Nice job. I’d love to watch the vid, but it won’t play. Any chance you can put it on your YouTube channel?

Last edited 11 months ago by ...getstoneyII
Taco Shackleford
Taco Shackleford
11 months ago
Reply to  ...getstoneyII

Is the Kevin Hart collection a competing Micro Car collection?

11 months ago

lol. Not in the least 🙂


Jack Trade
Jack Trade
11 months ago

I enjoy Beau’s Troy McClure-style opening. “Oh, hello there. You may remember me from such dealerships as…”

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
11 months ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

Crazy Vaclav’s Place of Automobiles.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
11 months ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke


11 months ago

Those graphics look amazing Torch! I wish I was there to see them in person.

11 months ago

Just wanted to say “Great job,, Torch!!” The booth is in good hands.

And Beau, you can vacuum my rug any time.


That came out badly.

11 months ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

You said “came”. Uhhuhhuhuhhuh. Yeah! Yeah!

11 months ago
Reply to  ...getstoneyII


Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
11 months ago
Reply to  ...getstoneyII

One way or another, someone’s rug is getting sucked.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
11 months ago
Reply to  Rollin Hand

Is there some shag-carpeting-in-the-back membership tier of which I’m unaware??

11 months ago
Reply to  Rollin Hand

I like my floor bare and waxed.

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