Home » CNN’s Anti-Manual-Transmission Article Is Just Total Garbage

CNN’s Anti-Manual-Transmission Article Is Just Total Garbage

Manual Opinion Paul Hockenos Cnn

You know what I’ve never done? I’ve never written an op-ed for CNN about how I think people who appreciate wine are a pack of pretentious numbnuts who think they can taste leather and oak and plums in something made exclusively out of grapes. I’ve never done that because, while I am fully capable of drinking wine, both the maroon kind of wine they call “red” and the golden kind they call “white” I don’t really give a shit about wine, and I don’t know jack shit about wine, and as a result, have no business at all telling my opinions about wine to anyone. CNN should definitely not hire me to write a wine op-ed because it would be terrible. I also think this same logic should have been applied to Paul Hockenos, whom CNN paid (presumably; this could be part of some charity work for all I know) to write an op-ed bitching about cars with manual transmissions, and manuals’ decline, which Hockenos is happy about. But the problem is that it does not seem like Hockenos really ever understood the appeal of driving stick, nor does he seem to care about manual transmissions, at least beyond the fact that they annoy him, somehow. Which is probably why his op-ed, charitably, sucks, and, even worse, is strangely and needlessly sexist.

I don’t really know anything about Paul Hockenos, other than he does know how to drive stick, which isn’t surprising since he’s based in Berlin, where manual transmission cars have been much more common than here in America. But as soon as he starts to talk about driving manual transmissions, things start to go wrong, fast. This is from the very beginning of the op-ed:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

“For old-school connoisseurs of the automobile — usually men — driving means operating a beloved vehicle by touch, with three pedals underfoot and a shift stick at hand.

In Europe, this clientele is responsible for a good deal of the moaning about manual transmission’s demise. And perhaps nowhere is it louder than in Germany, the home of Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz.

Take for example the German automotive writer for the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung who waxed melancholy in a heartfelt “homage to the good old days of the clutch and gear stick.”

“What could be a greater pleasure… than tooling along winding roads in a sports car at high speeds? Accelerate, downshift before the bend, turn in, roll, upshift again, and ‘fly away,’” he wrote.

He affectionately describes the stick shift’s smooth knob nestled in his palm. (Sigmund Freud would have had no trouble deducing the grounds for this allure.)

Okay, two big things are worth pointing out here: the “usually men” part is the first. There’s no citation for this and while sure, maybe you can find surveys or studies or confident ex-recto guesses from experts that more men drive stick, who gives a shit? Plenty of women drive stick, and enjoy driving stick, and it’s frankly just stupid to try to cast the enjoyment of a manual transmission as anything related to gender. I’m not having it. It goes against everything we believe here at the Autopian, which is that cars and their enjoyment are for everyone, and I’m pretty sure penises are not required for the shifting process, and if you find you are using yours for that, well, I wish you well on your sexual journey, but it’s not really part of driving.


Speaking of penises, I was also deeply disappointed to see that incredibly tired, century-old Freud reference there. I mean, come on already: How long do we have to endure that lame-ass joke that stopped being funny around the Great Depression? Yes, automobile shifters, much like salamis or rocket ships or some fire hydrants or a variety of squashes or any number of other things roughly tube-shaped sort of resemble penises. I get it. Everyone gets it. Children get it. I bet most dogs get it.


I also get that when you feel the shift knob in your hand it doesn’t mean you’re imagining it’s your dick, if you have a dick. Or even if you don’t. If you want to touch a dick and have one, I can’t think of a more achievable dream. I managed it at least twice today before lunch.

The point is, the whole Freudian thing about stick shifts and dicks is stupid and tired and lazy, and it’s decades past its retirement age. Grow up, Paul.

So, what’s the point of this op-ed? It’s not really clear. Hockenos seems put out that there are still groups of people in Europe and America that genuinely seem to enjoy shifting their own gears, and he likens this predilection to the famous book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenancebut only does so in the most superficial and dismissive way, with no effort taken to dig into any reasons why someone might appreciate understanding and appreciating how the machines in their lives work. Instead, we get this:

“It’s not just that I cringe at the grating screech of a botched downshift, that high-pitched sequel [sic] worse than fingernails across a chalkboard. The sound upbraids and shames me for having wronged the drivetrain. But this obviously never happens to alpha men, the kind who love their engines and coax them to purr.”

The fuck are you talking about, Paul? Okay, you missed a downshift, big deal, it happens to everyone. There’s no reason to go into a shame spiral here. If so, though, the shame you’re feeling is on you, and this whole “alpha men” thing – what? Loving one’s engine and “coaxing them to purr” has precisely one metric fuck-all to do with any “alpha male” bullshit. Again, driving stick has nothing to do with gender – it’s about how it feels and the fact that it’s just fun to be able to have that level of control of your car, and people who really enjoy driving very often – though even then not always – like the experience of shifting their own gears.

[Mercedes’ Note: I have to agree with Torch, here. At the bare minimum, Paul is ignorant. At worst, he’s no better than the men he wants to admonish. There are a whole lot of women, non-binary folks, and everyone in between who like cars and yes, also prefer their cars with manual transmissions. I’m pretty sure those enthusiasts aren’t trying to be “alpha men.” Yes, men are the most visible in the car world, but that doesn’t mean women don’t exist! I’ll take a stick any day of the week, sorry, Paul.


Stop trying to gender the joy of driving or turn it into some toxic thing only meant for people who hate the world. The truth is that anyone can love cars and they very much do. -MS]

That’s it.


This whole thing is as free of a point as a basketball, or perhaps a coconut. Hockenos attempts to steer the narrative to point out that in modern cars, automatics are actually faster and more efficient than manuals, and yes, that’s true. In fact, it’s been true for a couple of decades now, and the reasons Hockenos gives are generally right: modern automatics have more gear ratios than manuals – 10-speed automatics are common – and the computers that manage the shifting tend to do it better and faster than a human can. But don’t feel bad; that’s the transmission computer’s only job! You, on the other hand, have all kinds of other things to do beyond shifting gears, and you’re more fun to grab a drink with.

There are also CVT transmissions that have effectively infinite gears, and while those often feel like crap, they’re extremely efficient. That’s all true, but also has nothing to do with why people want to shift their own gears. I mean, maybe back in 1979 efficiency was a big reason, but now? Now it’s because people want to.


Remember, cars aren’t rational things, and they never will be, and wanting to shift your own gears isn’t rational, but who cares? If cars were rational there would be only a few basic models and everything would have interchangeable parts and they’d really be appliances and it would be an entirely different industry from what actually exists right here in our reality. I mean, think about the car industry; do you really need a car with 700 horsepower? Of course not, but there are many you can pick from with that much power. Do you need turn indicators that move like the signs on the Vegas strip? No, but they’re fun! Do you really need a car with massaging seats or a removable roof or one that can corner like a panther on speed? No, but all of those things are thankfully available to anyone with the money or a willingness to take a terrible loan.

Whatshisname knows this, I think, and I think knows that his arguments about how much more efficient modern automatics are don’t really make a case for the demise of manuals, because the percentage of manual cars being sold is so tiny as it is. As he says in the op-ed:

These are among the reasons why it’s ever harder to buy a new manual-transmission model of any kind in many countries. In the US, less than 1% of new models have stick shifts (compared to 35% in 1980), according to the Environmental Protection Agency. It’s really only sports cars, off-road truck SUVs and a handful of small pickups that still have clutches.

Less than 1%! That’s nothing! People who still choose to drive a manual car are not causing any real environmental harm because the numbers are so low. It’s just not a factor, and certainly not a reason to advocate for the wholesale elimination of manual transmissions.

I mean, I’m not even sure that’s his goal here. I have no idea what the goal is. He later champions EVs as a sort of savior for, I guess, environmental issues with all combustion cars, manual or otherwise, which further shows he just simply does not understand why people drive manual transmissions. This is made clear in the final lines of this inane piece:

But for those aficionados who really can’t go without a clutch and gear shifter, Toyota is planning a realistic-feeling fake manual transmission for some EV models.

It serves no purpose whatsoever — save to comfort bruised egos.

Egos? Bruised or otherwise, what do egos have to do with wanting to shift your own gears? There’s some kind of unpleasant insecurity going on here, or something. Did someone shitty tease Paul about not driving stick well at some point? If so, I’m sorry, but that is not why people want to drive a stick shift. It’s just something I and many others enjoy, and for fuck’s sake, why is this guy even writing about it at all?


Tt Shift

He doesn’t want to drive stick — fantastic, pretty much every car out there now is available with an automatic. Absolutely no one is forcing him to drive stick. His screed against manual transmissions feels like someone looking up a band they don’t like, driving a couple hours to the venue where they’re playing, then setting up a table and handing out pamphlets stating that they don’t like the band. It’s fine not to like the band. It’s fine to tell people you don’t like them. But, at some point, when you’re going through all this effort to let people know you don’t like something, for reasons that really only apply to you, it gets weird.

This is all just a protracted effort to yuck other people’s yum, a cardinal sin around here, and an absolutely useless endeavor. No one cares that you don’t like driving stick, Paul. No one understands why you’ve somehow conflated it with this idiotic idea of masculinity in your head, and no one really thinks the tiny number of people driving manuals is causing environmental collapses.

No one is making you drive a stick-shift car. You can relax. And maybe next time you decide you don’t like something you have nothing to do with, don’t know much about, and about which you have nothing substantive to add, maybe consider not writing a time-wasting article about it for CNN?

That’s exactly what I’m doing with my wine article! See, I’m actively not writing it right now, as we speak! Because, like you and driving stick, I have nothing of value to add. And I might say something really stupid, like how wine is just for Alpha Females, and that would be deeply embarrassing.


Top photo: Paul-Hockenos.com (modified)


Daily Driving A Manual In Traffic Isn’t That Big Of A Deal, Relax

Survey Shows More Than 90% Of UK Teens Will Get A Car With A Stick, Are Cooler Than American Teens

Here’s Exactly When Automatic Transmissions Became More Efficient Than Manuals

When Did We Get So Weird About Tall Shifters?

The ‘Quantum Leap’ Reboot Has The Worst Fake Manual Shifter Ever Seen On TV

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Alexander Moore
Alexander Moore
6 months ago

Wait, CNN has a website? That people visit? Huh?

6 months ago

An EV with a simulated stick shift is the strip club of the automotive kingdom: whatever you feel there is totally manufactured. It’s the opposite of involvement.

6 months ago
Reply to  Widgetsltd

I like strip clubs. Don’t rip on those hard-working people by comparing them to a fake gear shift.

6 months ago

I’ll say, a hell of a lot of people do that band thing…

6 months ago

Gear sticks aren’t really that phallic. I mean, if the ratio of the diameter of your shaft and glans (medical speak for bell-end) is as different as it is on a gear stick, you should really be seeing someone about it. Also, if people really viewed them as cocks, no one would install a short shifter!

I guess though, Torch has referred to shifter boots as “gear shift scrotums” before…

Is Travis
Is Travis
6 months ago

I swear I thought when I was reading that, that it was a joke by some high school sophmore trying to eek out some extra credit late in the year to salvage an English or Debate grade. It read like someone desperately trying to not like what someone else likes. I was just waiting for the first autoblogournal to post about it and goddammit my favorite one did just that. Cheers!

Last edited 6 months ago by Is Travis
Jeff Diamond
Jeff Diamond
6 months ago

Jason, I very much enjoyed this article as I do all of your writings, but you really whipped yourself into a frenzy over this guy. Stay calm, maintain low tones, don’t stress yourself out over it. Unfortunately the world is has far too many people like him and far too few people like you.

Jared Johnson
Jared Johnson
6 months ago

Mr Hockenos really needs to just take the bus/train/bicycle. Or at least he should be content driving an appliance car instead of wasting words raining on everyone’s parade.

While a manual isn’t the only way to find automotive joy, it can definitely make a mundane commute a little more engaging. Boo to you Mr Hockenos.

6 months ago

I had a weak moment today and found myself on CNN, so thanks for this Torch. And yet, sadly, yelling about how manual transmissions are on the way out is like explaining how morning is the time of day that the sun comes up. Paul buddy, we know, but thanks for the extra kick in the ribs.

I think people who write with pencils-mostly men, obviously-are pretentious luddites, toying with primitive scriptures. It’s a vain attempt to return to their “Man is Hunter” cave-painting roots, clubbing-things-to-death-for-food. I mean pencils don’t just look like narrow, elongate penises, the words are even spelled sort of the same.

6 months ago

There are automatic transmissions that are fantastic but 90 percent of them are terrible. Especially for spirited driving. If you give me the option of a CVT or a manual I would take the manual every time. Also just logically moving a manual gear shifter into the proper physical location is more tactile and eaiser to mentally process while driving than looking down at the gauge cluster to see what gear you are in 5 and then having to mentally do math .. even if it is easy kindergarten math okay i want gear three so i need to click twice click one gear four click two .. damn we are still in gear four i guess the second click didn’t take? did i click too fast?? click again .. and now we are in gear three like i wanted but now the car thought it was going to have a heart attack so it decided to upshift itself back into 4.

While the clutch and gear shifter is an amazingly engaging experience ultimately what I am after is TOTAL CONTROL of the damn car and in your average commuter car the powers at be have decided you don’t get to decide how your engine operates. Throttle by wire you “request” torque from the ECU brake by wire you “request” to stop. Ultimately the car is taking your inputs and making its own decisions.

6 months ago
Reply to  Bassracerx

Not really, because if either of those “requests” are denied, then the system isn’t working properly…

6 months ago
Reply to  CivoLee

maybe what we are really after in a transmission is a little bit of danger. Just the mere possibility of a money shift gets our blood boiling…

6 months ago

A buttery croissant can be messy to eat. Intravenous fluids, on the other hand, can be used to meet our caloric and nutritional needs without the need for a napkin or even chewing. Therefore, croissants are inferior to intravenous fluids.

Phil Layshio
Phil Layshio
6 months ago

Am I weird if I like them both for different things? For commuting or towing, automatic all the way. For driving my fun little sports car? You put and automatic in that thing and I’ll make sure they never find you.

6 months ago

Unfortunately these days it’s pretty easy to see why that article would be posted by CNN: Ragebait. It’s pretty much the only thing you get from most big media these days. It’s just not usually quite as transparent…

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
6 months ago
Reply to  Tangent

No wonder America is in such sad shape. We don’t have reliable news, and our politicians are all crooks.

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
6 months ago

I just read Herbert Schmidt’s heartfelt homage to the good old days of the clutch and gear stick in its entirety on NZZ.

It was a much more enjoyable read than this Paul fellows article.


Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
6 months ago

Sprichst du Deutsch?

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
6 months ago

Not a lick.

C.A.R. Doctor PhD
C.A.R. Doctor PhD
6 months ago

“and wanting to shift your own gears isn’t rational”

Minor quibble (and sorry if it’s been said): rational just means that you are correctly/logically making the decision. If you truly enjoy it more, it’s rational to do it. That doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient, fastest, etc. Just that you personally derive more utility from driving a manual transmission than from the speed/efficiency of an auto.

Otherwise, love it. The last 5 years are the first time I haven’t owned a manual transmission in at least one car in my driving life, and I miss it. I don’t want it for my commute or for long trips, but there are days when it’s just more fun.

Andrew Daisuke
Andrew Daisuke
6 months ago

I hate how the entire journalism industry is now ruled by the hot take economy.

The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
The NSX Was Only in Development for 4 Years
6 months ago
Reply to  Andrew Daisuke

It’s just one of the many reasons why being online is more miserable than it’s ever been. Legitimate news outlets are now posting sensationalist hot-take nonsense that serves no purpose other than for people to dunk on it in a retweet or hate-click the article.

6 months ago

Woooo THANK YOU Torch. I read that garbage this morning and nearly signed up to CNN just so I could leave a comment about how bad it was. Sometimes I go to Fox News just to hear the ridiculous other side of a story, but this time I went to the bar instead.

Last edited 6 months ago by Robn
Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
6 months ago

“No, it’s an automatic, of course…”
At this point Emma’s smile turned into a smirk, growingly disdainful but still not completely unpolite.
“You drive an M3 and yet you chose it to be an automatic?”, she asked, trying to get around her perplexity.
“Yes, it’s better than any manual, you see…”
Emma was not having any of that. She was already bored with this pretentious reporter imbibed of his own importance. It was time to go away. As he gave her his fifth dissertation of the evening her mind started to wander. She saw her good friend Andras, the Hungarian dude.
“Andras!”, she waved, “what car do you drive?” She knew well.
“A Bimmer, Emma, you know that”.
“Is it a manual?”
“Of course, that’s what real men drive…”
“Thanks, see you later, dude”.
She turned to the arrogant reporter. He was turning red. She sensed he was just about to start his sixth speech of the evening, pedant and upset, and she smiled.
“I have to go, auto man, good evening.”
As she turned on the engine of her Renault 4, the reporter took out his Moleskine and started to scribble a furious tirade.
“She will see… they will all see.”

Sensual Bugling Elk
Sensual Bugling Elk
6 months ago

OK now publish the “Adrian’s Version” of this article, where this Paul Hockenos guy is referred to as a whingeing shitscallion or a fuckshambolic cretinoid or whatever.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
6 months ago

Yes, please!

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
6 months ago


Sensual Bugling Elk
Sensual Bugling Elk
6 months ago

Lolololol I’m flattered.

6 months ago

I’m not sure why my car has a 6 speed manual transmission. I can keep up with traffic using only 3 of them.

6 months ago

Let’s take it easy on poor Paul…it’s obvious he woke up with a “stick” up his ass…probably hurt when he tried to shift.

6 months ago

I feel like we need a word for people who are so desperate to attack their idea of toxic masculinity that they reach new heights of toxicity. The whole “oh you alpha males secretly just want to play with dicks” through line is both incredibly homophobic and astoundingly misogynistic.

I’m a proud gay man who wishes he still owned a manual. In his effort to be a sanctimonious shitheel, he’s basically said there’s something wrong with everything in that sentence. Never mind the women who prefer manuals who he basically acts like don’t exist – and I think I actually know more women who drive manual transmissions than men at this point.

6 months ago

As others have noted, the “grating screech” line makes it clear he has no idea how to properly operate a manual, and secretly resents anyone who does. Paul, it is perfectly fine not to master something, but don’t harsh everyone else’s buzz just to fulfill your writing quota.

6 months ago
Reply to  RalliartWagon

Do newer manuals even do that? I’ve fucked up shifting on my 2023 Golf a few times, but it’s never screeched at me like my piece of shit old cars used to.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
6 months ago

Good for the writer getting paid to poop out such a pointless article, I guess. It sounds like the kind of article I scroll past because I don’t even want to give it a click.

Attila the Hatchback
Attila the Hatchback
6 months ago

Exactly — I saw the title scroll by on a news aggregator and didn’t bother reading it. I’ll read wine reviews on Autopian any day before a CNN car-related story — at least I know the Autopian articles will either be funny or informative.

6 months ago

I really wanna read David Tracy’s comprehensive review of sub-$10 bottles of wine.

Mike Vorland
Mike Vorland
6 months ago
Reply to  Pupmeow

or $100+ bottles. These five bottles of wine each cost more than the last three cars I bought. Here are the mistakes I have made with all eight purchases.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
6 months ago
Reply to  Pupmeow

“For our anniversary, I decided to treat my girlfriend to something special, so I splurged on a $10.99 bottle of Cabernet (down from $14.99 because the screw cap was dented, an incredible deal)”

Dr. Frankenputz
Dr. Frankenputz
6 months ago

This guy is such a sanctimonious prick. I don’t care much about his opinions on transmission choices, but I find his general tone infuriating. His implication is that fans of manual transmissions (and ICE vehicles in general) are insecure misogynists who view their cars as phallic extensions, and in contrast EV drivers are intelligent, refined, good, caring people.

I don’t understand why he feels the need to insult people who like ICE vehicles. I also don’t understand what he thinks he is accomplishing by writing this. Insulting ICE vehicle fans is a great way to generate hostility toward EVs. While reading his article, I couldn’t help but think it was a prime example of why many conservative-leaning individuals dislike EVs. Too many EV evangelists frame EV vs ICE as good vs evil, and completely ignore issues like practicality, expense, and personal preferences. Attitudes like his are a major barrier to EV adoption. I am a big EV fan, but after reading his article, I kind of wanted to set my Tesla on fire.

Honestly, I am disappointed CNN chose to publish this garbage. There is no utility in demonizing those who have different preferences than your own. Nothing good can come of it.

6 months ago

I wonder if there’s something more behind this since The Guardian in the UK ran an anti manual article last week too!

6 months ago
Reply to  Bill

Do you have the link to that? I’m curious now.

Last edited 6 months ago by BenCars
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