Home » Cold Start: Donkey Kong, Behind The Scenes

Cold Start: Donkey Kong, Behind The Scenes


Look at this charming old 1948 Panhard truck illustration and tell me it doesn’t seem like the very vehicle that supplied noted angry gorilla Donkey Kong with his supply of barrels to fling at young Jumpman, later to legally change his name to Mario, on that famous construction site. It’s not entirely clear what was in those barrels at a construction site, anyway. Nails? Rivets? Salt pork? I can’t say I’ve noticed a lot of barrels at construction sites in general. Oil/fuel drums, maybe.


Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Anyway, Panhard made some appealing old trucks, and I adore this old illustration style, so I hope you can enjoy it as well. Hope your weekend is full of security, silence, visibility, loge-ability (?), comfort, and accessibility, like the triangles say.

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2 years ago

An oldie but a goodie…

Inspector: “But Mademoiselle, why did you do it?”
Mademoiselle: “He insulted my cooking for the final time. So I drove the Panhard right onto his skull.”

Paul Brogger
Paul Brogger
2 years ago

“Herb garden”?

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Brogger

The German lightning site. The black hole of suck that Jason, David and Mercedes escaped.

Anti Autopian
Anti Autopian
2 years ago

Lodging, I think. Meaning you can sleep in it?

Dusty Kornphartz
Dusty Kornphartz
2 years ago

Speaking of COE trucks, anyone see this wild International Harvester?

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
2 years ago

Woah!!! It’s a tow receiver away from absolute perfection.

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
2 years ago

I haven’t been back to that shit hole in weeks. I find my blood pressure stays much lower on this site so I just stay here. What kind of stuff are they stealing?

2 years ago

Every time I get on the main page it’s just a bunch of click-bait garbage and I promptly leave.

2 years ago

The Wikipedia page for Panhard is a wild ride. The ownership thread alone…selling to Citroën in the 60s before being sold to Auverland (what better name for a French off-road vehicle company) before selling to Renault Trucks which is actually part of Volvo. They made some nice looking cars, tho.

Jeff Gillio
Jeff Gillio
2 years ago

I like the way the illustrator used the light from the headlight to illuminate the year on the license plate.

Steve P
Steve P
2 years ago
2 years ago

Yeah, there won’t be any “Silence” this weekend, and according to my dog there won’t be any “Security” either. Good thing we got her some awesome drugs.

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
2 years ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

What are you using? We got CBD but it doesn’t seem to be doing much. He’s a giant spaz and it takes A LOT to get him calm.

Paul Brogger
Paul Brogger
2 years ago

Years ago our dog ran away and was found miles away cowering in someone’s barn.
ID tags at minimum, pet owners!

2 years ago

Trazodone. They said 1.5 pills twice a day but a single dose that size turned my 60lb dog into a puppy puddle – even if she wanted to, she had no ability to stand up. Now I just give her one pill before it gets dark enough outside for the fireworks to start and she is less likely to stress out but can still function.

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
2 years ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

Good to know. Our dog is about that same size so that helps. Thanks a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

I will have to bring this up with my vet. We have a 60lb not-quite-puppy-anymore who will not abide having her nails clipped. Last I had her in I got a stern talking to for the state of them, before the vet and two helpers tried and failed to do the job. They sent us home with a couple doggy xans, but they were not enough to make a difference.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
2 years ago

I pointed out that their NP/ND Corvette was on here for Shitbox a few weeks ago. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but The Autopian can brag that they found the world’s shittiest Corvette first.

2 years ago

Yeah, I think that’s just coincidence. To be honest, Graverobber (NP-CP) was doing it first, so you can’t make the accusation for steeling content.

Ricardo Mercio
Ricardo Mercio
2 years ago

Every time I see an old ad here I immediately wonder if I can find one of those cars floating around in the market before I catch myself realizing it’ll invariably be old and slow and I don’t actually want one any more than I want a Triumph Spitfire or Beetle or other alteady-cheap old car.

Erik Hancock
Erik Hancock
2 years ago

Some of the lesser-known parts of the National Motto of the Republic. “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, Loge-Abilite… “

Paul Brogger
Paul Brogger
2 years ago
Reply to  Erik Hancock

Speaking only Google French, the best I came up with for “loge abilité” is “suffices as a sleeper cab”?

Cool Dave
Cool Dave
2 years ago

That bottom one looks like it could be a Christmas card, it has that same sort of style to it.

Dusty Kornphartz
Dusty Kornphartz
2 years ago
Reply to  Cool Dave

If only the driver had a long white beard and a red suit…

I could see one of these on a tropical beach somewhere, serving cocktails from the back. It would be called the Panhard Bar.

2 years ago

“Panhard Sand Bar” has a nice rhythm to it. Make it happen!

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