Home » Cold Start: GMC Means ‘Gazes Match Seldom’

Cold Start: GMC Means ‘Gazes Match Seldom’

Cs Gazes

This 1975 GMC pickup brochure is full of gloriously color-saturated photos of people and pickup trucks existing in vivid monochrome voids, which may explain why the people don’t seem to be looking at the same thing. The original image lacks the big gaze-arrows, of course, but I thought we deserved to try and see just where the hell these people are looking.

The dude seems to have noticed something far on the horizon – if there is, in fact, a horizon out there in the scarlet wastes, while the nice lady is perhaps tracking some sort of ground-hugging mammal running around out there. It’s hard to tell.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

One thing I can tell from this brochure is that GMC was as proud of their truck taillights as I feel they should be, since I wrote about them a couple weeks ago. Here, look, they devote a whole picture and blurb to them:

Cs Gmctrucktail

Lexan® lenses! Wooo-hoo-hoo, who were buying these trucks, kings?



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Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
2 years ago

Note that she is in a weird twisted leaning position. Otherwise she would be taller than him.
I was a commercial photographer in the 70s and I can only imagine what transpired when the models showed up that morning.

Phil Layshio
Phil Layshio
2 years ago

What’s up with this spam bullshit?

2 years ago

Don’t look now, Sweetie. But that guy in the Volkswagen wants his seat covers back!

2 years ago

Will somebody please bring back 2 tone paint like this? Not just a few here & there, but really bring it back!

2 years ago

It was the Seventies! Monochrome Voids weren’t cheap! They were sharing the set and lighting with another production, he was trying to catch the eye and maybe get a validating head nod from the STAR she was checking the more famous aspect of. (Pro hint, his middle name was Leslie)

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
2 years ago

I’m disappointed there’s no mention of the durable wrap-around woodgrain.

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
2 years ago

Man: Gee, there’s Wilt Chamberlain. He sure is big.
Woman: Yes, yes he is.

RC Mil
RC Mil
2 years ago

Nice man and nice lady say: Well dang! Lookee at that there Chev-ro-lay. Cracky if it ain’t the exactin
same an costin less too.
That is what they be sayin.
Yes sir.

2 years ago

I can tell you exactly what that nice couple are looking at across the show room:

Husband: “Would you get a load of that sales guys bouffant hair?”
Wife: “Yeah and how about that stupid Chevy bow-tie belt buckle on his patent white leather belt?”

Husband: “Uh yeah but that would be so far-out if I had it with my patent white leather shoes though.”

Car Guy - RHM
Car Guy - RHM
2 years ago

By 1973 standards when that version of the GMC/Chevy trucks came out, those tail lights were the most stylish tail lights ever on a pick up truck.

2 years ago

The man is staring at the Concorde flying on the horizon.
The woman is staring at the nearby building losing its windows.
Both are enjoying the spectacle.

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago

No they are both looking at better looking versions of themselves. I am not saying what gender is looking at what gender, because I’m open minded about that sort of thing.lol

SLIDTossedPissedinto BleuCHSaladwCroutons
SLIDTossedPissedinto BleuCHSaladwCroutons
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Horchak

Fuck this gender shit.
Both are staring at pussy.

He is looking at some FINE AS BLOND with Tig Ol Bitties…
She is looking at the CAT Store with the kittens in the window.

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
2 years ago

That ad reminds me of the old cigarette ads that used to appear in magazines well into the 1980’s. People who look like they’re really enjoying themselves, but at the same time appear absolutely clueless.

2 years ago

Where can I buy this truck? Can I please buy this truck? I want a truck but I don’t want an angry Predator grille or a six foot high hood or body lines that look like they’ve already been in an accident.

SLIDTossedPissedinto BleuCHSaladwCroutons
SLIDTossedPissedinto BleuCHSaladwCroutons
2 years ago

Bring a Trailer
I think one last sold for 130k.

I know a guy up the street that still has one from 84.

D.B. Platypus
D.B. Platypus
2 years ago

Don’t you mean “celdom”?

Vetatur Fumare
Vetatur Fumare
2 years ago
Reply to  D.B. Platypus

Yeah, C for seldom seems to suggest Jason has been enjoying some breakfast scotch.

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
2 years ago

How do you the lady is ‘nice’? She could be mean as hell.

2 years ago

He is looking at triple Ds, while she is gazing at something that can touch bottom…The truck is where the magic is supposed to happen.

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
2 years ago

The brochure describes the taillights as “handsome.”
I’m confused. What qualities make a taillight “handsome?”
Is it the wrap-aroundedness? The Lexan ™? The multi-functionality?
Are other taillights frustrated that the girls only notice the handsome ones?

Larry B
Larry B
2 years ago
Reply to  Sid Bridge

Oh great. Now I’m going to drive myself crazy trying to figure out when a taillight is handsome and when it’s pretty.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry B

The difference is simple.
Pretty taillights have chrome or silver accents. If you look at them ah have even a hint of a thought of them being delicate, they are pretty.

Not THAT Florida Man
Not THAT Florida Man
2 years ago
Reply to  Gene1969

So, those taillights are pretty. But not very pretty, there’s not a lot of chrome.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sid Bridge

Handsome: “shiny but square”

2 years ago
Reply to  Flatisflat

“Now there’s a taillight you could set your watch to.”

Tom Tierney
Tom Tierney
2 years ago

That’s the look of woman who’s hanging on her man’s every word…..

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
2 years ago

2 glaring problems here – 1) there shouldn’t be people in the picture, and 2) it’s a GMC pickup, not a bright yellow Mustang Boss 302 with the not-offered red interior aka the best red void ad copy of all time!


Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

Not sure why you think an ad for a GMC pickup should have a Ford Mustang in it?

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