Home » Cold Start: The Mold And The Beautiful

Cold Start: The Mold And The Beautiful

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I’m here in Michigan, on Official Autopian Business with David, part of which involves using my old Scion xB for some dumb stuff. The car has been sitting in the moist Carolina atmosphere for, um, a while, and there seems to be a thriving fungal ecosystem inside. How do I know? Look at what the seat belt did to my shirt:

Ecd92f7a 96cc 4948 9dae 92378db2bd1eThat’s mold.
That’s revolting.
I was getting weird headaches even with all the windows open during the 10+ hour drive up here. I’m sure I’ve reduced my lifespan by a good few years here.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Anyway, expect fun stuff soon! And we’ll be trying to set up some reader meetups this week and maybe a trivia night, so stay tuned!


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2 years ago

Had a significant mold infestation in one of my flipper cars recently .Several *weeks* of solid rain and it being a smoker’s car were factors.
I thought the rear seat was a goner as there were still obvious marks after two washes/wet vacs.
But a few more washes did the job.
I recommend trying various cleaners until you find a good one. A spray can that foams won’t cut it

2 years ago

That’s a nice cover photo. Those first-gen xBs are good-looking cars, in their way. Boxiness is underrated.

Vetatur Fumare
Vetatur Fumare
2 years ago
Reply to  FUCK YOU

I was looking for one to buy for a while, but Torch’s is in better condition than 99% of the xBs out there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vetatur Fumare

true dat

Justin Short
Justin Short
2 years ago

OMG, I saw that picture and the circles, not until I read the paragraph did I realize that I saw the stain and my addled mind filled in the seatbelt!

Tommy Chang
Tommy Chang
2 years ago

Don’t sweat it ’til the cordycep ascocarp pops out of your head. Patient Zero.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
2 years ago

Funny thing about a white XB. It looks like a fridge on the outside, and now I guess it’s a frathouse fridge on the inside.

Paul Hatfield
Paul Hatfield
2 years ago

Reader meetups and trivia? You guys are literally saints

Chump Change
Chump Change
2 years ago

Thanks! That was the laugh I needed this morning!

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
2 years ago

Do you have a leak somewhere in that xB? It sure seems like a possibility. Anyway, gross!

2 years ago

If there is a car meeting on Friday, I will bring my 1973 VW Super Beetle for sure 🙂

Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
Do You Have a Moment To Talk About Renaults?
2 years ago

Love those t-shirts, but I can’t wait for decals/window stickers. Any plans for more merch?

2 years ago

Well, it kinda makes sense. David has the corner on Rust, so now Torch has to corner something else, so he’s got the symbiotic relationship with Mold. I wonder what maladies the other writers will get stuck with…

Bob Rolke
Bob Rolke
2 years ago

If you have more than one car you need to drive each one at least once a month. Your driver will devolve into a project that will devolve into a junker or science experiment faster than you think it will. Drive your cars people. It keeps them in good condition.

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
2 years ago

This gives me a new idea for the site: “Torch Your Car.” Have Jason perform/learn various automotive tasks on his cars — OR THOSE OF LUCKY READERS! This could include items like detailing his xB to get rid of mold. Could be done in video and text/photo format.

Jason Tierney
Jason Tierney
2 years ago

That is rancid.

The things you do for what you believe in.

May the Autopian live much longer than your fungal infection!

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason Tierney

I would like to see the fungus form a symbiotic bond with Torch. Imagine if he could shoot spores when startled, and grow small mushrooms behind his ears.

Jason Tierney
Jason Tierney
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Metcalf

I’m imagining a new superhero origin story.

Jason Tierney
Jason Tierney
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason Tierney


(I’ll quit while I’m ahead)

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Metcalf

“Imagine if he could shoot spores when startled, and grow small mushrooms behind his ears.”

I thought he did that already? I just assumed the car got the mold infestation from him. Prove me wrong.

2 years ago

Trivia night, yes please! Especially with you and DT in the same place… ho boy.

2 years ago

Get an Ozone machine and let it run in there for a while. Your lungs will thank you.

2 years ago

Yeah and the headliner ain’t looking so great either

2 years ago

You guys keeping those t-shirts to yourselves or can just anybody buy one?

2 years ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

Nevermind. I’m blind, apparently.

2 years ago
Reply to  Balloondoggle

In your defense (and I can’t believe I’m going to say this) they aren’t really shilling the merch store enough. I’m not advocating for full-width banner ads, or pre-roll videos! However, a small tasteful button (think 90×90 pixels), w/ a picture of a T-shirt and some text (“Cool Merch!” or “Don’t Drive Naked!”) to the side of the “powered by Optima” banner would not be too obtrusive and drive up awareness of the merch store.

Civic Boy
Civic Boy
2 years ago

I love how American are taking such risks like if they have free healthcare :-). I wish you it wasn’t toxic and it’ll be ok. Once mold come, it’s hard to get rid of it definitively

2 years ago

Do all auto journalists just have cars stored all over the world or something?

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
2 years ago

Like a mistress in every port of call?

Vetatur Fumare
Vetatur Fumare
2 years ago

Just the good ones.

Mike DeSimone
Mike DeSimone
2 years ago

I’d enjoy seeing a pro detailer’s approach to mold removal. Maybe show it alongside David’s $2.73 cheapo turbojank method to really get that Autopian vibe.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike DeSimone

How about a whole story on ripping out the entire interior and finding less grungy replacement parts from picking yards?

2 years ago

Find yourself an Ozone generator. Definitely do not plug it in while you are in the car

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Asa

Don’t rely on the ozone machine too much. Ozone machines are generally awful because they ruin everything made of foam and plastic, including stuff you don’t see.

They are more appropriate for “move the iron” used car dealers who don’t really care about the car once it’s gone.

I’d rather do the work of cleaning the car manually and properly with quaternary sanitizers on soft surfaces, and diluted bleach on hard surfaces.

2 years ago


Looking forward to what you guys are working on!

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