Home » Computers Seem To Have Something Against Old Peugeots: COTD

Computers Seem To Have Something Against Old Peugeots: COTD


Dear Autopian readers, my computer is suffering from a technical issue that I can’t seem to solve. Every once in a while, I click on a link and my computer gets mad, saying “404. That’s an error.” Sometimes, that anger is directed at 503 or it’ll say something like “406 Not Acceptable.” I don’t get it, my computer seems to really despise old Peugeots! Is it because I normally drive bargain basement used German cars?

Thankfully, I’m not the only person facing this issue. In response to a Morning Dump, Icouldntfindaclevername said this:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

403 Forbidden

SquareTaillight2002, seeing how confusing this was, elaborated that Icouldntfindaclevername’s computer was definitely wrong. This gave me a hearty laugh and is today’s COTD winner:

No I think old Peugeots are actually legal for import.

Legal and pretty neat! The last Peugeot 403s were produced in 1966, capping off an 11-year production run that saw a plentiful 1,014,111 cars produced. The 403 was styled by Pininfarina and it was a luxurious vehicle for its day. As Autoweek reported about a decade ago, owners say that getting parts for them isn’t even that big of a deal. Some of you might find this car familiar because Peter Falk drove one in the crime drama Columbo!


In all seriousness, it does appear that Icouldntfindaclevername was responding to a link in a comment or maybe even was trying to tell us that our site was giving them that 403 error. That has happened to me before when trying to comment! Due to the state of the current commenting system, it’s hard to tell.

I do have good news on that front. I’ve been testing our new commenting system behind the scenes and I think you’ll like it! It reminds me of Kinja in a way, but without the random crashes and headaches. Hopefully, it will make commenting here so much more fun and informative. The notifications, ability to link out, and comment threading alone will be worth it!

Sadly, I don’t know when it will deploy, but I bet our Matt Hardigree will have an update in time. Either way, have a great evening, everyone. Also, can I get some tech support about my computer’s hate for Peugeots?

(Top photo: Classic Driver Seller)

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Vetatur Fumare
Vetatur Fumare
1 year ago

I just had this problem – while fixing up the Peugeot 404 entry in Wikipedia, I correctly entered the title of a citation as “404 Chassis Numbers” and ended up with a “Cite uses generic title” error. I felt weirdly happy.

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
1 year ago

Kinja was good, actually, and I will die on this hill.

1 year ago

Very bold to invoke the K word on a site full of recovering users. 😛

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
1 year ago

I wish my computer refused to let me look at old Peugeots. Imported a 306 last year, and it promptly blew an engine. Still waiting to get it back on the road

1 year ago

Sorry, I try to come up with quick one liners, but yeah, SquareTaillight2002 reply made me laugh too

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
1 year ago

I’ve owned a 205, 206, 305, 307 and a 504.
And like everybody else had a lot of 403s and 404s over the years.

Hugh Crawford
Hugh Crawford
1 year ago

I just hope you are not considering disqus.
Please not disqus.

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
1 year ago

That’s why I always thought a Peugeot 404 was the perfect car for a web designer.
Since this site loves trivia 504 is a gateway timeout and also the top trim level of a late 70s Lotus Elite. Lesser trims were also http errors, 501,502, and 503.

1 year ago

Wow, I’m Autopian royalty for a day.
Glad I could make Mercedes smile.
And I successfully re-bushed my BMW shifter today with a $3 part from McMaster-Carr.

Manuel Verissimo
Manuel Verissimo
1 year ago

Even Peugeot does that! Check out their error page ????


Chris Parsons
Chris Parsons
1 year ago

That Peugeot 404 page looks like one of Torch’s Cold Starts.

Salty B
Salty B
1 year ago

On my home Mac, I have a pic of a 404 page from a Hemmings server that’s a photo of a Pug’s trunk lid and the metal “404” numbers.

It was chuckle-able.

But I’m not at home so I can’t share it.

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 year ago

“maybe even was trying to tell us that our site was encountering an error”

That’s what it was. 403 (Forbidden) is an HTTP server error caused by someone trying to access a resource which that user is not allowed to access; it’s a permissions issue. I’ve run into it a number of times here, most recently this morning: I was not able to post my own response in a thread but was able to reply to an existing post. Not sure why that would be.

The 404 error means the requested object (usually a file) was not found/does not exist. There are others – e.g. 502, bad gateway – but 403 and 404 are more common.

Fun fact: if you do a Google Image Search for “404 peugeot error” you will see a lot of file-not-found error pages that people have created using the little French cars. 🙂

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 year ago

“My confusion was because the comment simply said “403 forbidden” without any further explanation or context”

I hear you. It’s nice when the error messages are a little more verbose, but there should be details in the SIEM and/or local logfiles that coincide with the 403s.

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
1 year ago

I got curious and looked up Error 411: “Length Required.”

It’s THE four-door aircooled VW! Checks out.

1 year ago
Reply to  A. Barth

My favourite http error code is 418.

Laurence Rogers
Laurence Rogers
1 year ago

There is a really neat 403 Ambulance that comes to our Cars and Coffee sometimes, I recall the owner saying to me ‘it’s pretty slow but it corners like hell!’

Peugeots were quite popular in Australia in the 50s to the 80s due to their ability to cope with rough roads. They still pop up on farms sometimes, often the wife on the farm would have a diesel 504 back in the day.

The bass-player in my high-school band had one such ex-farm 504 diesel. It would get up hills with great protest, and don’t be behind it when it’s at full load unless you enjoy being coal-rolled!

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

“You’ll like our new commenting system. It is like kinja in a way. Without the problems.” Yes you will never get people in on it by comparing to kinja. Kinja without problems is a vacuum. Kinja killed that crappie site the crazy politicizing only increased the hate.

1 year ago

I have run across that error when trying to start a comment with quotation marks. I tried a few fixes before I realized that was causing it. Just in case that info is helpful to someone. Probably not the only cause, but one possible cause.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drew

It’s bizarre because I’ve had that same problem and sometimes removing the quotes helps and other times it doesn’t. Sometimes slightly rewording the comment works and sometimes it doesn’t. I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s no rhyme or reason to it and the “fixes” I’ve used just happened to be when the server quit rolling snake eyes on my post.

1 year ago

+1 for notifications!

1 year ago

200, 202, 100,418, 410

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