Home » Detroit-Area Autopian Readers: There’s A Meetup This Weekend But There’s A New Sheriff In Town

Detroit-Area Autopian Readers: There’s A Meetup This Weekend But There’s A New Sheriff In Town

Meet Up Ts

Hot damn, The Autopian’s “Ambassador Program” is officially underway! This means readers, and not just Autopian writers, will organize local meetups in different parts of the country. The first trial of this program will happen in Detroit, and will be organized by the world’s foremost Pontiac Vibe expert, Nick Hernandez. Here’s what you need to know.

What am I, chopped liver?! Autopian readers will get to enjoy a Detroit meetup without me!? I’m just kidding; this is all part of a plan to get Autopians in different cities hanging out with one another, even when Autopian authors can’t make it; how else can we grow this site’s cult and spread the gospel of Autopia?

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The Detroit-Area Autopian Reader Facebook page has 360 members, and from now on Nick will be running that and setting up meetings. He’s created a Facebook Event for the meetup this Saturday. Here’s a link and here’s a screenshot:


Screen Shot 2023 05 25 At 3.06.00 Pm


The short of it is:

  • Who?: Autopian readers and any other car fans
  • What?: An Autopian meetup/miniature car show
  • When?: Saturday May 27, 2023 6:30 PM ET
  • Where?: Walmart Parking lot in Troy, MI: 2001 W Maple Rd, Troy, MI 48084
  • Why?: To hang out with other Autopians
  • How?: Just show up, stand around, look at cars, have fun

If this ends up being bigger than the meetups that I set up, I’ll only be moderately offended.

Actually, I’ll be thrilled. I want you all talking with one another, geeking out about cars, and probably hearing far, far too much about the glory of the Pontiac Vibe.

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1 year ago

Y’all, I beg you – please start giving more notice than this.
Ideally a week’s notice means folks from further away can come!

Frederick Tanujaya
Frederick Tanujaya
1 year ago

How about a global branch, across the globe right here in Indonesia?

Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
1 year ago

What’s up with the Facebook fixation. Aren’t we communicating just fine right hear?

Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
1 year ago

I will gladly sponser a local meet up. 3rd of June, 2023 at 2 PM. We will meet at the WalMart parking lot in the NW corner. We are in Independence, Kansas. Nearest large towns are Wichita, KS (121 miles), Tulsa, OK (110 miles) Joplin, MO (85 miles) or KC at around 160 miles. So why don’t I drive to one of these metropolis’? Because I’m old, very old and I don’t drive much anymore.

See you here!

1 year ago

I would be interested in starting an Atlanta-based Autopian Facebook page and hosting a meetup. How does one become so knighted?

1 year ago

Also keen for a Sydney/Australia based meet up! Let me know if I can do anything to help organise!!

Jesus Helicoptering Christ
Jesus Helicoptering Christ
1 year ago

Are there any UK-based Autopian groups?

Specifically, the central belt of Scotland…
If not, maybe I should start one. However, like other commenters, I don’t do Facebook. Hmmm.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jesus Helicoptering Christ
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
1 year ago

It’s not perfect but I made an Instagram! Follow or bookmark for updates. A Discord is planned, but not yet going.


Nick Hernandez
I’m signing my name because my brilliant idea on March 32st was to use my username and I’ll probably regret it but whatevs for nowwww!!!

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 year ago

Here’s my one problem. I won’t go on Facebook anymore after they let a certain person back on, so I can’t join a group. I just can’t let myself, even for The Autopian. However, I would join a group on The Autopian in a heartbeat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crank Shaft

Yeah, I’m with ya. I won’t join any of the Meta ones, including whatsapp. I don’t mind Twitter as I mind my own business and only interact with the people I follow. I don’t seem to have the same line-in-the-sand disgust of Elon as some on here, or (apparently) the “ladies” on The View. ha

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 year ago
Reply to  ...getstoneyII

I concede that I do have similar Views of Musk so I avoid Twitter as well.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
1 year ago

If someone wants to put together a Texas meetup, count me in! Maybe if it was in the Austin/San Antonio area we could entice Stef S. to bring the Parsh and some puffalump goodness, too?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike Smith

Sounds good. I can see it happening eventually by someone. Shoutout from Round Rock!

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike Smith

heck, I might even have a place willing to hold it

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
1 year ago

A Northeast meeting would be excellent. I would go and may help organize if it is not too much of a time suck.

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
1 year ago

Sweet. Let’s make something happen in Coastal Virginia.

1 year ago

Why is your Facebook page in Light Mode?

Also, and unrelated, but it appears I have made a cameo on said screenshot.

Hoping to make it out there – and perhaps bring the Cruze Diesel for more than five minutes this time.

Scone Muncher
Scone Muncher
1 year ago

A list of links to the various FB pages would be nice. I mean, eff Facebook but if that’s where the events are organized I can deal. I am sad I couldn’t make the Toronto meetup this week and will try harder for the next one!

KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
1 year ago
Reply to  Scone Muncher

I’m thinking of trying to assemble a Discord and Instagram for redundancy and coverage. So there may be more than just Facebook in the future!

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
1 year ago

A Discord would be a good idea. I could whip one up real quick and just make Autopian Ambassadors admins. Keep a permalink somewhere on all pages.

Edit: Done! I’ll flesh it out when I have some time tonight, but the bones are there.


Last edited 1 year ago by Mercedes Streeter
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
1 year ago

Then the areas can be specific channels. That would be great! And if you know how to do it, more power to ya. Because I don’t!

1 year ago
Reply to  Scone Muncher

I did a search of all the FB groups this afternoon and only found Detroit and Toronto established thus far. I think an ambassador program would help promote the site and draw in new readers and members. I would gladly exchange my time and energy for a hat or a shirt…

Last edited 1 year ago by Idiot_with_a_garage
1 year ago

Can I call dibbs the PNW? I am centrally located in WA to both Seattle and Spokane.

Last edited 1 year ago by Idiot_with_a_garage
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
KITT222 aka The Vibe Guy aka Nick
1 year ago

“… probably hearing far, far too much about the glory of the Pontiac Vibe.”

The kids must know the glory! Or at least the fun quirks.

I’m excited to be organizing these, and eager to see what these can become! Join us if you can, join the Facebook group if you can’t, and if you don’t want to do either, that’s cool too. But we’ll quietly judge you for it.

-Nick Hernandez

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