Home » Hey Chicago-Area Autopians! We’re Having A Meetup This Friday For The NASCAR Race

Hey Chicago-Area Autopians! We’re Having A Meetup This Friday For The NASCAR Race

Chicago Meetup

While NASCAR has raced on dirt, beaches, road courses, and ovals, it has never competed (officially) on streets. That’s changing this weekend in downtown Chicago with a pair of races that will mark the sport’s street course debut. I’ve got a good feeling it’s going to be the most exciting automotive development there since a pair of Illinois national socialists in a Pinto wagon got dropped from a chopper onto Lake Shore Drive. As part of the festivities we’re going to be hosting a happy hour meetup with some staff and NASCAR driver/host/superfriend Parker Kligerman at Portillo’s on Canal this Friday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 PM.

Here are the details:

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Chicago-Area Autopian Reader Meetup

  • When: Friday, June 30th at 5:00 PM CT to 7:00 PM CT
  • Where: Portillo’s Chicago – Canal & Taylor (520 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60607)
  • What: A chance to have a meetup with Chicago-area readers + people in town for the Chicago race. There’s also some parking at Portillo’s if you want to bring your car.
  • Who: Mercedes Streeter, The Bishop (maybe), Matt Hardigree, NASCAR driver Parker Kligerman, and you!

It should be extremely fun and quite chill. Plus, you can get an Italian Beef, a chopped salad, and an ice tea w/ lemon. Or a cake shake. Maybe some beer. It’ll be fun.

If you think you can make it out please let us know in the comments.

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Dennis Birtcher
Dennis Birtcher
1 year ago

The hours I work, no chance I could make it, but I will be watching for the next one.

1 year ago

Here’s how you know I like y’all. I HAAAAATE going into the city. Much less during rush hour on a Friday. But you know what, I’ll suck it up and be there!

Matthew Skwarczek
Matthew Skwarczek
1 year ago

Heck yeah, I’ll be there with bells on–and possibly my motorcycle, b/c parking downtown is hell at the best of times.

1 year ago

Aw man, and here’s me out of town. Maybe if y’all do one for the 24 Hrs of Lemons in Joliet in August I can make it…

Myk El
Myk El
1 year ago

Would love to see one of these in Tucson, AZ. But I’d settle for Phoenix.

1 year ago

Speaking of summer meetups, any chance of one during EAA in Oshkosh? I can only assume Mercedes is going to be back for that. SUCH POTENTIAL FOR CAMPER CONTENT!

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
1 year ago

Oh Matt. 72 hours notice for a summer weekend evening, smack dab in a quite congested downtown area with limited parking. I’ll assume this was all your respective schedules permitted, but it sure does feel like an afterthought. I’ll hope for betting planning next time so that I may attend.

It’s a mostly terrible joke, but may there be no shootings.

1 year ago

That sounds like more fun than a wheelbarrow of shrimp. When are we having one in the Southeast? Lane Museum Meetup?

Geoff Buchholz
Geoff Buchholz
1 year ago

Dang it, eight blocks from my office and I won’t be able to make it! Have fun — Sandy and I will see y’all on the next one.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
1 year ago

Portillo’s fries are the best available anywhere. Or at least they were when the old man was running the show.

Shifty McShifterson
Shifty McShifterson
1 year ago

I’d love to meet up again, the Milwaukee meet a few months ago was fun, but I’m allergic to downtown traffic. I have jury duty every Monday and it takes a full 90 minutes to get downtown from the O’Hare area, or the O’Harea as I like to call it.

Have fun!

Abdominal Snoman
Abdominal Snoman
1 year ago

it’s like 3 blocks from the Clinton stop on the blue line, which starting at ohare should take about 45 minutes… I hate Chicago traffic too, to the point I drive more miles on track than public roads, but at least the public transit is one of the best in the US, even if it is a little “oversubscribed” during commute hours.

edit – 90 minutes sounds about right for a 10 mile trip… His pain is real.

Last edited 1 year ago by Abdominal Snoman
1 year ago

In fifteen years here I have never driven my own car(s) downtown (I do have to do it for work sometimes) – there’s just no reason to, plus it sucks. Like Snoman said, just park at Rosemont or wherever and take the Blue Line. It won’t even be that crowded, it’ll cost $2.50 and you can read. I usually multimodal my commute (Avondale to Englewood) but today was all CTA and it was nice to relax.

1 year ago

I’d love to, but I’m leaving early Saturday morning to fly to the PNW and drive a 45-year-old BMW home via a visit to Glacier National Park, so I got some getting-ready to do. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to work out of the Loop and Bromp over.

1 year ago

I’m in the minority here but I love watching those big cars on the road courses. More entertaining than the ovals to me. You guys have fun!

1 year ago

Disappointed I won’t be able to make this one.

Abdominal Snoman
Abdominal Snoman
1 year ago

damn, earliest I’d be able to get there is about 6:30-7 (adulting at my job…). Wish I could drive one of our definitely not street legal Lemons race cars there too.

1 year ago

Imma be there.

Via dumb bike.

1 year ago
Reply to  notoriousDUG

I belatedly realized that I recognized your user name from the Chainlink years ago. I think I sold you my Peugeot Triathlon about ten years ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Theotherotter

I did by a Peugeot Triathalon around that time so that is probably accurate.
I liked that bike but the quill seatpost was just a wee bit to short.

1 year ago
Reply to  notoriousDUG

That bike was WILD! I loved it!

1 year ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

It’s a bike even people who hate bikes like.

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