Home » Hyundai And Kia Will Pay $200 Million To Settle Lawsuit Over Cars Easily Stolen With A USB Cable

Hyundai And Kia Will Pay $200 Million To Settle Lawsuit Over Cars Easily Stolen With A USB Cable

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It’s Friday at the end of what’s felt like a long week. Maybe we all just miss Mercedes [Editor’s Note: Why is this a “maybe”? -DT]? She’s out playing with Toyotas in Hawaii. Whatever the reason, we’ve got a nice mix of  stories to bring you in today’s morning news roundup. We’re starting, of course, with the Hyundai-Kia settlement, but the last story is something so happy it’ll make you smile all the way to the weekend.

I’ll give you a hint:

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Good News If You Own One Of Those Kias Or Hyundais The TikTok Teens Love To Steal


Did you know that The Autopian has a brand new TikTok page? Please follow us before the app is banned everywhere, leading to the surprise election of single-issue candidate Selena Gomez (for the record this is not Selena Gomez shade, I’m a big “Selena + Chef” fan and also “Only Murders in the Building.” Please do not come for me Selena stans).

A funny thing about TikTok is that it’s great for short tutorials. For instance, last year a bunch of young people on TikTok figured out how to steal Hyundais and Kias with just a USB drive (and a screwdriver or other prying device). It turns out, Hyundai and Kia didn’t offer immobilizers on their lower spec cars (like my parent’s Kia Soul). This led some insurance companies to refuse to insure these vehicles. There’s a fix, apparently, but it’s been slow to rollout.


At the same time, the inevitable lawsuits began, and Hyundai and Kia have settled for a little over $200 million to help make those lawsuits go away.

Automotive News has the details on how people impacted by the car theft spree will be remunerated:

A large portion of the settlement, $145 million, will go toward out-of-pocket losses experienced by owners, including vehicles lost or stolen, vehicles that incurred damages, loss of personal property and insurance-related expenses, according to attorneys.

Steve Berman, managing partner at the Hagens Berman law firm in Seattle and lead attorney in the lawsuit, said in a statement that they “worked to achieve a settlement that covers many types of losses — from those who were lucky enough to have never had their theft-prone car stolen, to those whose stolen cars were totaled completely due to Hyundai and Kia’s negligence.”

A spokesperson for Kia confirmed the settlement and said in a statement the company is “pleased” to resolve the class-action litigation.

If your car was stolen or your insurance went up, hold onto all the related documents!

Congress Wants To Save The AM Radio

I’m a big fan of FM and satellite radio. While I mostly listen to Apple Music, I enjoy the curation. Radio, it’s a sound salvation. Radio, it’s cleaning up the nation! Radio, it’s not a legal requirement to have in cars… yet!


In a rare bit of bipartisanship in Washington, both Democrats and Republicans are pushing to keep AM radio in cars at no cost to consumers. Here’s a copy of the bill if you’re curious. Here’s the AP summary if you’re not used to reading legislation. Basically, it means that automakers have to keep AM radio in their cars and, if the cars predate the mandate, to let buyers know. Currently, both Ford and Tesla have dropped AM radios.

Ok, so, why are the automakers doing this? Again, from the AP:

Supporters of preserving AM radio in cars cite public safety concerns. The bill’s sponsors note AM radio’s historic role in transmitting vital information during emergencies, such as communication during natural disasters, especially to people in rural areas

“Carmakers shouldn’t tune out AM radio in new vehicles or put it behind a costly digital paywall,” Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., one of the bill’s sponsors, said in a statement. He added that the bill aims to “ensure that this resilient and popular communication tool does not become a relic of the past.”

Ok, what about the automakers?

“This is simply a bill to prop up and give preference to a particular technology that’s now competing with other communications options and adapting to changing listenership,” the alliance said, while adding that automakers are committed to ensuring drivers have access to public alerts and safety warnings.

I don’t know, automakers, I think you better do as told. I think you better preserve the radio.

Time For Some Ferrari Drama



John Elkann, the chairman of both Ferrari and Stellantis (along with two of his sibling), is apparently suing his mom over his inheritance. Awkward.

This all goes back to Gianni Agnelli, the legendary head of Fiat who turned the company (and the country of Italy) around after WWII. His daughter Margherita inherited about $1.3 billion from the estate and agreed to split that up between three of her children. Margherita, though, had five other kids with her second husband, and she’s trying to make sure they’re not going to get cut out.

Reuters does a fantastic job of going through all the twists-and-turns of the deal, and this is mostly just me telling you to go read that story. This has been going on for 15 years and may finally come to some resolution, maybe, in the coming weeks. There’s a catch, though, because there are cases happening both in Switzerland and Italy!

The Happiest Story You’ll Read All Day

Bentley Bees

I like Bentley. The brand makes some nice cars. I once went to a party at one of the auto shows Bentley threw and Solange was there, so I got to see Solange sing to like 12 people. It was fantastic.


Bentley also has bees! As part of the company’s move to make the HQ in Crewe, England more environmentally friendly, it’s created an apiary to make honey. I bet it’s amazing honey.

Bentley Bees Two

Also, Bentley gave it the most Bentley name possible: The Excellence Centre for Honey Production.

I love that name. Currently, Bentley has 600,000 bees but, in honor of World Bee Day, they’re going to upgrade to 1 million bees. 1 million bees, y’all! That’s a lot of bees:

“Our Bentley Bees have been at our site for almost five years, producing over 2,000 jars of honey for our extraordinary colleagues and customers. We hope that by installing seven new hives, in addition to ten hives already in place at our Excellence Centre for Honey Production, we can further enhance our positive impact on the local environment as part of a wider sustainability programme. This is to ensure Bentley remains a significant contributor to local biodiversity and adds to our ambition to be the leaders in sustainable luxury mobility.”

In partnership with ‘Buckley Bees’, Bentley installed a colony of 120,000 indigenous honey bees as part of British marque’s #GOTOZERO sustainable strategy. This year, the colony will now grow to over one million bees across 17 active bee hives at the company’s headquarters. The Crewe-based manufacturer, hopes that in 2023 Bentley can surpass last year’s record honey harvest, where the bees produced over 1,000 jars of honey whilst helping to pollinate the on-site flora and bring wider benefits to the surrounding Cheshire countryside.

Fancy bees!


The Big Question

When was the last time you listened to AM radio? What did you listen to?

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Photos: Kia, Bentley, Giphy, HBO

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1 year ago

Am radio every morning for the traffic and low price gas report.
AM is also great for camping, in the middle of nowhere Nevada I listened to a radio broadcast of a twilight zone from 850KOA Denver. FM can’t do that.

Austin Vail
Austin Vail
1 year ago

The last time I listened to AM radio was a couple years ago I think, because my 1966 Thunderbird’s original radio is AM only and I was bored. The channel selector was broken though and it only had one working preset, so the only station my radio could pick up was a Catholic radio station somewhere. I listened for a while, but liturgies aren’t really my jam, and now the radio doesn’t really work at all so I removed it and am now trying to figure out how to install a new radio.

1 year ago

While driving during football season in Seattle listening to Seahawks coverage.

1 year ago

Does anyone else remember The Bruce Williams Show? I never heard so much sound business and life advice in one place.

Had a great run until after September 2001, when the impact of the terrorist attacks changed it, and it became much less than it ever was prior.

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
1 year ago

I just want them to stop putting the shark fin antennas on cars. I’m for whatever they have to drop to get to that.

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 year ago

710 ESPN is presets 1-6 in my daily and work truck.

Last edited 1 year ago by Idle Sentiments
Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago
Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
1 year ago

I don’t know when the last time I listened to AM Radio but I’m sure it was for a baseball game.

Beasy Mist
Beasy Mist
1 year ago

What’s the Venn diagram of people demanding AM radio be mandated in cars and the people who support stripping away every other government regulation like clean water and air? I’m guessing it’s a perfect circle and none of them have the slightest notion of the irony.

1 year ago
Reply to  Beasy Mist

Not quite.

Carmakers shouldn’t tune out AM radio in new vehicles or put it behind a costly digital paywall,” Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., one of the bill’s sponsors, said in a statement. He added that the bill aims to “ensure that this resilient and popular communication tool does not become a relic of the past.”

Tim Beamer
Tim Beamer
1 year ago

KDKA, Pittsburgh PA, the first radio station in the country, and the only station with a “K” call sign east of the Mississippi. Traffic and weather, I tune in from time to time for old times sake.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago
Reply to  Tim Beamer

I am with you on the same station. Prefer listening to the Pirates rather than watching them as a radio is cheaper to replace than a tv.

Manwich Sandwich
Manwich Sandwich
1 year ago

“When was the last time you listened to AM radio?”

Just listed to 680 News here in Toronto yesterday to hear the news and traffic report.

And when the Leafs were in the playoffs, I was listening to the TSN 1050 sports station.

And I also sometimes listen to “Funny 820” based in Hamilton… which is an all-comedy radio station.

AM radio should stay.

If I ever get a Tesla, I’ll have to figure out how to get AM radio or stream some local AM radio stations somehow.

Last edited 1 year ago by Manwich Sandwich
Jack Beckman
Jack Beckman
1 year ago

A few months ago, pre-season baseball. Sometimes when the seasons overlap, baseball gets relegated to the AM station around here (probably due to the fact that the Tigers haven’t been very good the past few years). It’s not just Ford and GM – my 2020 Porsche 911 doesn’t have AM either.

Peter d
Peter d
1 year ago

With regard to the bees I just read an article that was claiming in some areas there are too many beekeepers and the bees are crowding out other natural pollinators- maybe something to consider. Also look up the fascinating (but sad) story of the Brooklyn, NY red honey.

1 year ago

Another article I read about the AM radio thing had the politicians focussing on how drivers would miss out on access to conservative radio stations, which are often on AM stations. (As far as it being a bipartisan bill, the one democrat supporting it has a history of pushing for legislation that makes things difficult for Tesla.)

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
1 year ago

I don’t listen to AM radio that often but will tune in if there are flashing lights telling me to on the highway. NOAA radio in cars would be pretty cool. It’s kind of soothing to listen to a robot read the weather on repeat.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
1 year ago

A few months ago to the local news station.

1 year ago

Queen saw it coming decades ago.

I’d sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars
You made ’em laugh, you made ’em cry
You made us feel like we could fly (radio)

So don’t become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don’t know, or just don’t care
And just complain when you’re not there

You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Radio, someone still loves you

We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let’s hope you never leave, old friend
Like all good things, on you we depend
So stick around, ’cause we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual

You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Someone still loves you

Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)

You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
1 year ago
Reply to  Data

Yep. This song came to mind while I was reading the article too.

Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
1 year ago

I don’t listen to AM radio all that often but see a real case for keeping it available. There is already a very good emergency reporting system built in (CONELRAD). While its orignial function was in the event of nuclear attack, the system is ready made for regular civil matters. Basically, it is a free tool that already exists. Why throw it away. Do you really want to rely on channel 6 news?

Also, if it is your cup of tea to hear right wing gasbags to blather, AM radio is the only way to go!

1 year ago

How about they pull out the radio all together? The only bits I want running on electricity are the bits legally required to run on electricity.

1 year ago
Reply to  MrLM002

I’m sure you can have yours replaced with a crystal receiver if you find the right kid from 1955 in his basement.

Then you can have the best of both worlds.

1 year ago

Wrong AM Radio song. Should be Everclear.

I haven’t listened to AM for quite some time. I just bought a new car in August, and I know I’ve never turned it on there, and it’s probably been over a year.

However, I get wanting to keep it. I used to travel through Northern Ohio a bunch during college years, and when I just needed background noise that I didn’t have to think much about, I could get 700 WLW from around 250 miles away. FM won’t do that. Having a functional system like AM around is probably prudent for the time being, though I wonder how long it will last if no one has a radio other than in their car.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElmerTheAmish

+1 came here for Everclear

1 year ago

It was AM all the way into work this morning. IPR’s good ‘ol 640 WOI comes in nicely on my ’94 Fleetwood’s factory deck, even when the power antenna doesn’t want to fully extend.

Emil Minty
Emil Minty
1 year ago

Wrong song! Should be Roadrunner.

I got the AM
(Radio on!)
Got the car, got the AM
(Radio on!)
Got the AM sound, got the
(Radio on!)
Got the rockin’ modern neon sound
(Radio on!)
I got the car from Massachusetts, got the
(Radio on!)
I got the power of Massachusetts when it’s late at night
(Radio on!)
I got the modern sounds of modern Massachusetts
I’ve got the world, got the turnpike, got the
I’ve got the, got the power of the AM
Got the, late at night, hit ’em wide, rock & roll late at night
The factories and the auto signs got the power of modern sounds

1 year ago
Reply to  Emil Minty

The Modern Lovers always get a like.

1 year ago

i had AM radio on for traffic report 6+ months ago…

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
1 year ago

Fact: The Internet isn’t everywhere, not even close.
Fact: 20 million Americans have no access to the Internet whatsoever.
Fact: FM radio doesn’t penetrate into mountain valleys or across vast emptiness.
Fact: AM radio does both of those things.
Fact: No one can say definitively how many people listen to AM radio. There is no survey, poll, or technology that can accurately measure terrestrial radio listenership.
Same issue as putting NFL games on streaming only. Sure, it makes rich people richer, but it’s not better for viewers than plain old over-the-air antenna television.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Beranek
Manwich Sandwich
Manwich Sandwich
1 year ago

You’re absolutely right! And that’s a Fact!

Mark Tucker
Mark Tucker
1 year ago

Last time I listened to AM radio? It’s not a happy story.

My mom passed away in early January of 2004. I got the call that she was in the hospital and not long for this world at 4 in the morning. I couuldn’t find a flight until 2:00 that afternoon, so I hopped in the car and started driving. I had the presence of mind to grab a change of clothes, but nothing else. I had one CD in the car: the then-new Barenaked Ladies album “Everything To Everyone.”

It’s a thousand miles from St Paul to Denver. After five times thru that CD, it wasn’t distracting me any more, so I had to find something else. The last FM station gave out on me about a hundred miles west of Omaha, just about when the snow started. I needed noise to keep me alert and focused, so I switched over to AM. Country music and farm reports took me the rest ofthe way in to Denver.

I didn’t make it in time, by the way. She passed away before I hit the Iowa border. No way I could have made it in time, no matter what.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tucker

Very sorry. My mom passed away that exact same month.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tucker

My sympathies. I’ve also been in the middle of nowhere (Eastern Montana) where the FM scan just spun around the dial with nothing to be found.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tucker

The last time I listened to AM was the night Princess Diana died. I was driving back from the Outer Banks of NC, no FM I wanted to listed to was available, so I tried the AM just out of curiosity.

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