Home » It’s Been A While, Let’s Talk About The Autopian! How Are You Feeling?

It’s Been A While, Let’s Talk About The Autopian! How Are You Feeling?

Let Talkgraphic

We are coming up on two years of The Autopian, if you can even believe it. It’s been one hell of a ride and we’ve been making a lot of improvements (we hope) along the way. We’ve also learned a ton and grown to over 1,100 paying members, which is quite an achievement, especially when you consider that the average membership transaction is over $100 per person.

You may have noticed Lewin Day around here lately. He’s going to be a regular fixture on the website as he’s accepted a position as our Australian Bureau Chief, which is an important part of our infrastructure given our outsized proportion of Australian readers and members. We love Australia and Australia seems to love The Autopian. Beau even sent Lewin on a secret mission in Australia and I can’t wait to tell you about it.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

It’s possible you haven’t noticed Peter Vieira, our new Editorial Production Manager, but you’ve seen the impact on the site. He’s been keeping the place going day-to-day, helping us get more posts up, and creating many of the images at the tops of posts that make this place stand out. He’s also the reason why our social media accounts are so hilarious and have such an Autopian voice. Jason’s working on a story introducing both that should run next week.

Please ask us anything or tell us anything. Complain about things! Chide me for not doing more work on the E39! I do have some specific questions, if you don’t mind:

  1. We are going to experiment with more weekend content starting tomorrow. What would you like to see on the weekends? Do you ever look at the site on the weekends? What would get you to look?
  2. What kind of content do you like to see on the site? What do you want to see more of?
  3. If you’re a member, what kind of content do you like best?
  4. If you’re not a member (join here!) what kind of content would get you to join?

Thank you for reading and thank you for hanging out here, it’s a magical place.



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Not The Ford 289
Not The Ford 289
8 months ago

I’m really loving this site, but we need more Mack Hardigraw stories!

8 months ago

I’m enjoying the site overall. For me, I’d be interested in spotlighting interesting street car builds. For example, This vs That on Hoonigan has some wild builds like the guy who took an Odyssey and swapped a 370Z drivetrain with 2JZ. Or someone who’s taken an obscure engine and made power with it.

I’d also like to suggest a more forum style threaded comments section. A lot of comments get lost in the pages due to everything being expanded. If there was an expand comments buttons, I think it would allow easier scrolling for discussions you find interesting.

8 months ago

Weekend content is always a good thing. Way back in the Aughties, Murilee Martin made Jalopnik into a bucolic kingdom of junkyards and weird forgotten cars every weekend. It was a great change of pace, using the weekend as a break from automotive news and focusing on the culture that surrounds the car.
The Autopian already does a fantastic job of embracing all aspects of automotive culture, but I’d love to see you guys covering things like car shows, maybe even doing interviews with attendees with particularly interesting vehicles. In-depth model histories. More far-out concept cars like the Daewoo on Saturday. There’s no need to generate 20 articles per weekend day, but a few “magazine” articles over the weekend would be excellent.

8 months ago

I love everything about this site. As a 40 yo woman who has always loved cars but doesn’t know as much as I want to about them (and feels intimidated by my lack of knowledge), I feel welcome and comfortable here. It’s a site where you talk about cars I could generally buy and doesn’t shit on the kind of cars I actually drive (2022 Prius Prime – or as my spouse likes to call it- “the most boringest car of ever”).
The car universe could be so much bigger and inclusive than it is and this site is helping. Thanks for all the hard work you’re doing, I’ve been reading all of you for years and it makes me happy to see you all together.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
8 months ago
Reply to  Pikmin

The Prius Prime is fantastic, f the haters.

Randal Son
Randal Son
8 months ago

It seems you changed your Sign-In procedure, to a “Send A Link” thingie. I use one Chrome profile for browsing, and another for my email. So the verification link goes where I don’t want it. Bring back a simple user name and password Sign-In, please.

Content-wise, I’m completely satisfied.

Captain Muppet
Captain Muppet
8 months ago
Reply to  Randal Son

That bothers me too. I read on my work computer and have to comment on my phone.

8 months ago

Do the writers here go to car shows? I don’t mean NAIAS or the other new-car shows, I mean local ones. I think they would be a good source of content you could set aside and post as-needed throughout the year.

I live not far from Mercedes and I go to maybe a half-dozen car shows around the Chicago area during the summer and fall. At one show last year, a guy had a 1997 Toyota Century and I talked to him for 20 minutes. He had a mannequin in the back demonstrating the opening in the front passenger seat, allowing a rear passenger’s legs to pass through so they can recline and stretch their legs. At the Geneva Concours d’Elegance, there was a Mikrus MR-300 that was allegedly the only one in the US.

I’m sure the writers could find some unique, rare, or unusual cars to write about from shows in their area. They could point out interesting design features (lighting analysis by Torch!) or tell us the history of a model. The cars’ owners probably have interesting stories to tell also. There are a lot of cars out there that people haven’t heard of or haven’t seen before. With writers spanning the US and now the world, I know you guys can find some cool stuff! What you see in Los Angeles, Australia, or North Carolina is probably different from what I would see around Chicago.

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
8 months ago

I have 0 complaints about this site and like where it is heading. Keep it up. The only thing I can ask for is Torch’s opinion on the truckers favorite clearance light, the watermelon.

Justin Carson
Justin Carson
8 months ago

Thanks for having put together an awesome site in the past two years! Monetization of content is always hard; I don’t have any personal feedback due to divorce/special needs kid. I do like the idea of being able to gift memberships to others, not because someone would do it for me but because this community is large and generous enough that they would for popular commnters.

In terms of content, I think that series diving into older owned vehicles or missed opportunities to own cars by the writers themselves would be a great addition. Unlike the “What Car Should I Get in FantasyLand” on the old site, there’s a lot of expertise that can be missing from the day-to-day aspects of ownership that would be cool.

Thomas’ articles regularly include random things to watch out for on recent cars, Mercedes has done excellent work in her write-ups of her Smart and taking it on rallies. But some “Ones that Got Away” or “This Didn’t Work Out, But It Could Have Been Brilliant” would offer great insight into gems that maybe aren’t as rare as grails, but are worth considering and might not be on the average Autopian’s search history.

The best stuff on this site comes from incorporating the writers’ personality and experience in their work and could probably be highlighted more. Adrian referencing his mother’s vehicle and life choices was bittersweet in one of his design breakdowns. Hardigree’s best writing (non-Trimgate coining) was probably describing how he learned cop-spotting from his dad and is passing it onto his kids.

We’re here because you guys are writing about cars, not just that people with your experience are writing about cars. Try not to forget that.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
8 months ago

Ok, here we go.
I separated recently so I’m typing this from the awning of an absurdly expensive crappy hotel while I wait for the keys of a flat I paid a deposit for a couple days ago. But I have a cool Henieken with me, so that’s good.
So, without further ado:
1) As I reorganize my life, I would love to see longer articles on weekends. I did check the site on weekends, but barely longer than a toilet session. I plan to read and write far more, not only regarding car-related stuff.
2) Odd motorsports series from unlikely places (ok, I’m pitching for it), development of regular-ass cars, Malaise era content, human stories around cars.
3) –
4) Let me rearrange my finances, but I’d guess items on no. 2. Also, how did you, guys, ended up writing about cars and getting paid for it? (asking for a friend).

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
8 months ago
Reply to  Argentine Utop

Also, I love the diversity of this place. There are topics that I care less about, but I’m absolutely happy that they are here, treated with the same rigour and lack of solemnity as any other topic.
Diversity is also an amazing feature among writers, and commenters alike. We don’t even have to like each other, it’s enough that we all have something in common that we love to read and learn about.

Jeremy Aber
Jeremy Aber
8 months ago

I do read the site on the weekends, but I don’t always have time to read every article I’d like during the week, so it’s a lot of it is just catching up.

I really enjoy most all of the articles and article types, the only stuff that doesn’t do much for me is motorcycles, but I don’t think you should cut those. I do find them interesting sometimes, I’m just not a motorcycle guy 😛

I am a member, and probably my favorite types of articles are the wrenching adventures. I know those take a lot of time to produce, so I’m not saying you’re not doing enough, just that they’re my favorites. Torch’s looks into the weird bits of automotive history and auto design dead-ends are fun, and I like the tech and design explorations and explanations from multiple authors. The suspension stuff is great, and I’m really excited about the ongoing EV tech series!

If I want supercar and halo car coverage, I can go to any automotive website, I think what I like best here is the breadth of coverage. It’s great that you put a lot of effort into covering weird cars and cars that an average person can afford as opposed to only stuff at the top end of the price spectrum. I wouldn’t mind seeing more racing coverage of the world of dirt tracks, midgets, sprint cars, superstock, etc.

Jeremy Aber
Jeremy Aber
8 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Aber

Also, I really enjoy seeing the ‘guest’ spots from writers at other sites, like Alanis at Cars & Bids, and stuff that members have contributed.

Dan Pritts
Dan Pritts
8 months ago

I really love the design and engineering articles. And of course the Jason content which is why we are all really here. (stay healthy Jason, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.)

I think the trade-in series has a lot of potential.

It doesn’t really fit in particularly well with the site but something I miss from automobile magazine is the auction reports. I wonder if there’s a way to make something interesting happen there. Shit boxes of Scottsdale perhaps?

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
8 months ago

I just adore this website!!. (I really do!) ( So much so that I bought a membership!) Anyway I feel that this website

  • has the perfect balance of quirky content/writers as well as serious and informative content/writers. I both Laugh and learn!! How great is that!
  • .Your content is very ecletric. There is something for everyone
  • I feel like you have a true community here. There are so many different personalities with the writers and the members that post here. It’s kind of like we all have a personal connection with the Autopian writers, a kind of affection for them, if you will.

Anyway, as for me I have no interest in motorsports, I very much like the variety of content that you currently have now.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
8 months ago
Reply to  Shooting Brake

This, so much this!

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
8 months ago

Been a wonderful two years, keep it up.

1.We are going to experiment with more weekend content starting tomorrow. What would you like to see on the weekends? Do you ever look at the site on the weekends? What would get you to look?
AMR – Pretty much the same type of content. I check daily so content on the weekend One idea is focus on the writers projects. How are they or are they not progressing?

2.What kind of content do you like to see on the site? What do you want to see more of?
AMR – Mor reader’s rides, member interviews, member generated content (working on an article for May my roadtrip). Car shows not just the big ones, smaller local ones. Those can be member content as well and a chance to spread the word. I would be willing to this as I started going to car shows in 2023 in the NH area.

3.If you’re a member, what kind of content do you like best?
AMR – David’s updates, Jason’s craziness of the day, shitbox showdown, Mercedes’ finds. The general mix of all things with wheels interests me. Cars, Boats, Planes, Trains, EV, ICE, you name it.

More trivia nights when Jason recovers enough to do it would be awesome. It is is a great chance to interact with the staff and members.

–AMA aka 98z28

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
8 months ago

Congrats guys, and girls! Thanks a ton! There is nothing else that compares to your work, and the effort shows…
I would like to see more stories on, well just about anything. And it would be nice if you just sent DT to the beach more, and he could shoot photos of hot babes and their cars. That would work for me.
And stories on car culture/groups around the world and the US. Another thought is stories on home done wrenching, specifically “work arounds” for those of us with limited brains, tools, lifts, etc.

BTW, I am sorry to say that it’s not possible to become a member, yet.
Ever since my better half died, most of my cash has gone to paying off her god damned medical bills. (I feel you Torch!) Even with insurance, those bastards have me so broke that am living on cat food, and saltine crackers. It’s probably a pain in the ass, but a lower level of membership (lower cost) would be a blessing to us who can’t afford the other levels.

God bless all you turds. We appreciate you. Thanks!

Last edited 8 months ago by Col Lingus
Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
8 months ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

Idea for the staff, a chance to gift a membership to others.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
8 months ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

Sorry for your situation, Col. That’s another thing: how this site, its writers and community do help us cope with the hard times. It’s been a retreat for me, even in vastly less difficult situations than Col’s. Dude, if you ever happen to be around El Salvador, there’s some barbecue and drinks on your name.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
8 months ago
Reply to  Argentine Utop

God bless you friend! And thanks.

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
8 months ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

Any time!

8 months ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

In most cases you should not be liable for those medical cost unless your other half had an estate to pass along. There are a bunch of laws regarding that stuff. It would be worth your time to investigate further instead of assuming you are responsible. They will gladly take your money even if you’re not responsible.


Pat Rich
Pat Rich
8 months ago

Where’s the squirrel themed content? What’s a sentient rodent to do?

Doctor Nine
Doctor Nine
8 months ago
Reply to  Pat Rich

It’s a rainy day. So maybe find a parked car, and chew on some wires under the hood.

8 months ago

Y’all are awesome. You set out to produce the best automotive writing on the internet, and so far you’re succeeding. Keep you eyes on what got you here: David’s wrenching, Jason’s weirdness, and your sometimes futile efforts to keep it all from spinning madly out of control. This March 32nd, I hope you all take a moment and look around at the site, the content, the contributors, and the community you’ve built. It’s quite an accomplishment. Stay focused, and keep doing what you’re doing.

8 months ago

I love that it’s just not cars. Really enjoy that it’s all things transportation! I would love to see more guest writers. I would also like the chance to meet you guys in person at a meet up, but they all seem to be on the coasts or detroit/Chicago.

8 months ago

1. I think you offer plenty of content. I probably won’t see weekend content until Monday. Which is fine! But that means that I don’t think my opinion on weekend content matters at all.
2. This is a question that I struggle with. I’d like to tell you that I am most interested in new car reviews and write-ups of their technology, but I think my reading and engagement would tell a different story. I think the reviews are the most useful to me, but I also think I get a lot of enjoyment from content that has nothing to do with me.
3. As to the member-specific content, I like the peeks behind the scenes. How you pick headlines, discussions about what to post, arguments about which cars best represent certain concepts; I’ll happily read it all.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
8 months ago
Reply to  Drew

Need MORE content. Some of us are fast readers. Also more weekend stuff would be great!

8 months ago

You’re doing great, except for one particular site thing that drives me crazy! Auto start videos. I can’t stop them on my side, though I’ve tried. Could this be an option, like a right hand remote controlled mirror???

Unimaginative Username
Unimaginative Username
8 months ago
Reply to  Marty

+1 – love everything about the site from the goofy to the serious (even if some of it goes over my head) and am sorry that I have but $80/year to give you, but hate hate hate auto-play video. At least there’s no sound…

Last edited 8 months ago by Unimaginative Username
Jason Torchinsky
Jason Torchinsky
8 months ago

Reading through these has made my heart and soul soar like the RPMs on my Beetle when the gas pedal used to get stuck on the floormat. I feel so flapjacking lucky and fortunate that we have somehow collected the kindest, smartest, funniest, most insightful readership on the internet, anywhere! Thank you all! We’re reading all of these and will do our best to keep you happy here!

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
8 months ago

Thanks Jason. You keep healing so you can get back in the saddle of chainsawing batteries or what ever floats your boat.

8 months ago
Reply to  Arrest-me Red

Exactly…also, he can use axes on the batteries like in China as Tycho informed us:
“The axes are not secured, anyone can grab one and start chopping stuff up.”

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
8 months ago

Y’all are seriously the best collection of car writers assembled under one roof.

Take care of yourself and don’t overwork. Take it from me, it’s not worth it.

Scott Ross
Scott Ross
8 months ago

Ill tell you what I dont want to see anymore…Autopian staff having major medical issues.

I will say this Jason, your “What it feels like..” article is one of the best for warning signs and what going through a procedure is like. Thank you for shedding light on that subject I learned a lot.

8 months ago

I do enjoy the content that has been put out. However there is part of The Autopian where there is opportunity for improvement.
The Podcast. I do enjoy when the Podcast happens. The ones that there have been were all on good topics and enjoyable. However it is not a monthly, or bi-weekly thing. Basically there is no time to base on when to expect a Podcast.
I understand how busy The Autopian staff are, so setting a time to do a Podcast and what is should be about takes time.

Last edited 8 months ago by Wolfleben
8 months ago

I like the regular-people car stuff. New stuff and especially good used cars I forgot about (like the ugly sticks article). Trade in Tuesdays is awesome.

I’m not an RV person but damn if I don’t read and enjoy every one of those articles I can’t explain it.

Also I heartily enjoy Tycho’s China articles. The cars are so different there it’s fascinating.

Only thing I’d want to change is more SWG wrenching content. I love that shit

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
8 months ago
Reply to  PresterJohn

Yes! We need SWG’s Jag article!

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
8 months ago

This upcoming Fall with be the 3yr anniversary of trying to get it approved! Hope still prevails. Thanks a ton for keeping the faith and for the comment, Austin!

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
8 months ago
Reply to  PresterJohn

My man! Big things are coming this summer from here in The Cape Fear. Thanks a ton for reading and for the kind comment!

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
8 months ago

1). I’m excited for weekend content! I usually stop by at some point on the weekend to respond to notifications and keep conversations going, but it’ll be nice to have some articles to interact with.

2). I pretty much like all the content to be honest. There’s something for everyone.

3). I guess I wouldn’t mind some more reviews of regular ass cars every now and then since that’s the realm the vast majority of us shop in, and I can trust that whatever you all are telling me is honest. YouTube reviews and stuff get a little same-ey outside of Savagegeese, and I can’t help but feel like some of the bigger publications have an agenda to push. I know you all will give me the information straight.

4). I’ve been a member since it became an option and I will continue to be a member. I’m proud to be a part of this site and community. It’s a special place, especially in an era where so much of journalism is becoming corporatized.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
8 months ago

re 4), I was just reflecting that this place feels very much like internet 2.0, when the chat boards were just getting going.

Back then, there was no social media yet to incentive attention-seeking above all else, just people interested in discussing a shared topic they found cool. Things were oriented around something objective that could be perceived by many, rather than the current ethos of cultivating the subjective of how people feel in their own minds.

It’s that sense of a community built on a shared (good) interest that first drew me to Jalopnik, and then once it abandoned that, here. It’s wonderful to be part of this effort to promote what’s best about the internet, instead of participating in what’s worst.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
8 months ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

I couldn’t agree more. I personally shunned social media years ago and have never looked back. It’s been much better for my mental health. Now my interaction with the internet is basically just YouTube channels I’ve curated based on my interests and a few websites that have that internet 2.0 vibe where I more or less just chat with folks who I share interests and hobbies with.

I’m not sure if you’re over there as well, a lot of folks here are, but I highly recommend Defector for this vibe as well. It’s another site that sprung from the wreckage of the land of Herb, and it has a very similar vibe. It’s mainly a sports blog but there’s enough other stuff strewn about that it never JUST feels like a sports blog, if that makes sense.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
8 months ago

No social media for me either, and I’ve taken steps to truncate my general media intake as well. I try to apply the William James question for my consumption of that kind of stuff – “to what end?” And if the end is “well, just to be aware” then I know there’s no real point to it.

There was a good piece in the Washington Post the other day about a newly released study where economists have found that people if given the chance will pay money to not have social media. So it’s in effect an inverse positional good (a positional bad?) – most people don’t actually want it, they only use it b/c others do.

Thanks for the point on Defector – I’d never even heard of it, but am intrigued now by your description. Like you get at, I like places that bring out what’s good in this technology, as they’re pretty rare at the point sadly.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
8 months ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

I’ve been reducing my intake of lots of stuff too. I’m used to checking headlines on CNN and The New York Times a few times a day, but I’ve been cutting way back lately. I still like to be aware of what’s going on in the world, but it’s just so easy to get caught up in doomscrolling. There’s a lot of bad in the world but there’s also a lot of good, and I like to spend my online time in places where people are kind to each other and celebrate our similarities rather than differences.

If you wind up at Defector my screen name there is S.H. Itposting. At this stage I’m pretty sure there’s a handful of people who’ve figured out who I am IRL, but shit…I don’t have anything to hide. My life isn’t all that interesting lol, and I prefer it that way.

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
8 months ago

Exactly. With what is going on with politics here, who wants/needs social media?
The Orange Cheeto head and his minions have ruined reasonable discourse, and discussion in the USA.
I am ready to do an Elvis and shoot my TV. YMMV.

Last edited 8 months ago by Col Lingus
Dead Elvis, Inc.
Dead Elvis, Inc.
8 months ago
Reply to  Col Lingus

I am ready to do an Elvis and shoot my TV. YMMV.

It’s a hell of a lot more fun shooting old tube TVs than these new-fangled flatscreens, just fyi. They’re tougher to find these days, though.

Unimaginative Username
Unimaginative Username
8 months ago

Yes to all of this – I mentioned on Defector a few months ago that I miss the version of the internet that was a collection of websites and BBs that cater to individual communities rather than a small handful of everything-to-everyone repositories the social sites have become. So glad to have them and Autopian (and other spinoff of the old group of herbish hellsites) bringing a little bit of the good internet back to life…

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
8 months ago

F social media.

Doctor Nine
Doctor Nine
8 months ago

I second Defector. Good call.

8 months ago

So far I love your videos. Trade in Tuesday seems fun so far. However I’m surprised you don’t use Beau’s fleet like you used to during J* times. Jason’s stuff is always excellent. What I miss in Autopian is not enough DT content (he’s a busy man nowadays) and those clickbaity interesting stories about niche features and cars that Dr***.com provides for me. However I love how you grow and enjoy spending my time here in the comments since community here is still small and friendly.

8 months ago

This site should have an open forum day where anyone can bring up any car related subject, similar to that on The War Zone.
Make it once a week and restrict it to members only (which i am not,please dont judge).You have a whole bunch of knowledgeable enthusiastic commenters here.It should work great

Bob Rolke
Bob Rolke
8 months ago
Reply to  Ron888

There is open discussion on the member only discord.
Not trying to guilt you.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bob Rolke

ah ok 🙂

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x