Home » The BMW i3 Is So Good You’ll Forget About Rusty Heaps: COTY

The BMW i3 Is So Good You’ll Forget About Rusty Heaps: COTY


One of the great joys of being a car enthusiast is discovering that you can love something that you never knew you would be into. I didn’t really appreciate how awesome BMWs were until I bought a few of them, now I need more in my life. But perhaps the biggest BMW transformation is David Tracy, a man who used to slave over rusty heaps in Detroit junkyards. Now, he’s a cleaned-up maybe BMW fanatic.

David gave us a one year status report on the cheapest BMW i3, and Lizardman in a human suit gave us a heartwarming comment — one of today’s Comments Of The (Yester)day (since we’re a day late in posting this):

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Vidframe Min Bottom

David, we are proud of you. You went from “My rusty death trap has left me stranded for the third time this week” to “this car has been problem free, and it makes me happy.” Welcome to adulthood.

Adrian Clarke followed it up:

I however, am not proud of the fact he’s filling the back of that car with heavy junk.

But we all know what the deal is, from Spikedlemon:

He’s inadvertently advertising the usefulness of hatchback life to the American market.

Maybe if it catches on, and they behave, America will get the VW Golf back.

Suspension Closeup 1
Image: Bozi

Over the weekend, Bozi Tatarevic published a piece about a rear end that ejected from a NASCAR truck. The responses were golden, from Crank Shaft:


I don’t remember doing those welds, but the quality sure seems like they might have been mine.

And 10001010:

You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheels…

Finally, let’s polish off COTD with a comment from Chronometric about using a car for something it’s not good at:

I drove my ’71 Fiat 500 more than 10 miles. It is not really good at that.


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6 months ago

Woohoo I made the cut! But I have to give credit where it’s due, I totally stole that line from Darrell Waltrip when he sang it while commenting another loose wheel incident in another Nascar race.

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