Home » The Citroën Oli Concept Is An EV Made From Cardboard And Good Ideas

The Citroën Oli Concept Is An EV Made From Cardboard And Good Ideas

Oli Top

In an uncertain world, it’s hard to find constants that you can cling to, some sort of anchor of consistency that you can rely on. I think if there’s anything the past century has taught us, it’s that the French carmaker Citroën will always find some way to be cleverly and delightfully bonkers. They’ve delivered yet again, this time with a new concept car called Oli that seems to be the one of the vanishingly few modern EV concepts to push back on the idea that an EV has to be a big, heavy, ultra-fast, ultra-luxurious, tech-slathered behemoth that can do anything, but, in reality, won’t. The Oli is light, kinda slowish, but radically innovative, efficient, useful, and, if you ask me, fun. Let’s look at this thing.


Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Holy crap, right? Just look at it: yes, that’s an unashamedly vertical windshield. Bad for aero, sure, but who gives a shit when most of your driving is at city speeds? This thing is only designed to go 68 mph (fast enough for a road trip) and that flat windshield actually saves a ton of weight and material, which helps make up for the fact that it’s a big middle finger to the wind. Plus, Citroën’s press release also makes this interesting point:

“As well as reducing weight and complexity, the smaller screen is less expensive to produce or replace and lessens the exposure of occupants to the effects of the sun. It is also estimated to help reduce the power demand oli’s modest air conditioning system would make on its batteries by up to 17%.”

Huh. Okay, that makes sense.

Like a Nash Metropolitan, the doors are interchangeable on each side (well, the handle needs to be re-loacted, but still.) Same goes for the front and rear bumpers – damn, it feels like old-school AMC up in here. Speaking of old-school, check out the Citroën double-chevron logo inset in that oval; it looks like something that hasn’t really been on Citroëns since about 1955:



That 2CV there is actually a very good spiritual template for the Oli, as they both share a fundamental no-bullshit, what’s-the-minimum-you-need-to-get-the-job-done mentality. That’s why the Oli, at only about 2,200 pounds – easily half what the average modern EV weighs –only needs a 40 kWh battery to squeeze out a range of about 250 miles, and that smaller battery pack should be able to charge from 20% to 80% in 23 minutes, at least according to the press release.


Some of the big flat body panels on this thing are made from recycled cardboard. That sounds pretty flimsy, but it looks like it’s not, you know, the same crap you’re jumping on before flinging into a dumpster:

“Made from recycled corrugated cardboard formed into a honeycomb sandwich structure between fiberglass reinforcing panels, they have been co-created with partner BASF. They are coated in Elastoflex® Polyurethane resin covered in a protective layer of tough, textured Elastocoat®, which is often used on parking decks or loading ramps, and painted with innovative, waterborne BASF R-M Agilis® paint.

The panels are very rigid, light and strong – so strong that an adult can stand on them – and weight is reduced by 50 percent when compared to an equivalent steel roof construction. Their versatility and durability open up a world of possibilities for owners to enjoy work and recreation.”

Those panels are used on the hood, roof, and, yes, in a sort of pickup bed, because this thing isn’t just your usual hatchback. There’s a load bed that’s over three feet wide and two feet long that can transform, by folding the rear headrests into the roof and opening the rear glass, into a load bed that’s almost three and a half feet long. Not full truck size, sure, but plenty usable, and there’s an enclosed trunk underneath that.



The inside is minimal and clever, too, with front seats that use only eight parts, and everything is 100% recycled thermoplastics. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on with what looks like a forest of golf tees on the dash there, but it seems they’re flexible and designed to hold drink cans and stuff like that.


There’s no integrated screens or anything like that because Citroën just figures you can dock your own computer you have on you at all times, anyway: your phone. Also interesting is the use of an off-the-shelf game console joystick:

Oli Joystick


I know this is very much a concept car, and not something likely to be produced like this, but it’s so crammed full of good ideas, and, more importantly, a fundamental concept that’s sorely missing from modern EVs: less is more.

Not every EV needs to get to 60 mph in 2.3 seconds or needs to be crammed full of computers and so luxurious that it takes a colossal battery to get any sort of decent range and then you’ve got a 5,000 behemoth before you know it, and that’s just ridiculous.

Cars like this Oli show that you can design a useful, practical, fun and novel SUV that doesn’t have to end up with a gravitational pull of a small moon.

One other thing that was mentioned in this press release that I feel like I almost never hear about is how the car will age and be to own and repair:


“A key element of the oli story is how it has been conceived with longevity to create its own circular economy. It shows how a vehicle can be easily and affordably reinvented for several subsequent lives with new owners using refurbished parts, new décors or colours, and even upgraded parts over time.

Overall cost of ownership will be low, but if there is a need to replace a door, headlamp or bumper, recycled parts could be sourced responsibly via Citroën from other oli vehicles that are no longer serviceable.

Logically, if it costs more to refurbish a vehicle than to buy a new one, vehicles won’t be refurbished. oli changes this – it be more environmentally and economically positive to refurbish than replace over several lifecycles. When no longer economical to refurbish, Citroën would turn each oli into a recycled parts donor for others requiring parts or send other parts for general recycling.”

Is this suggesting some sort of dealer-run junkyards? At the very least I’m excited to hear any automaker discussing parts replacement in such an easy, modular way.

I’m all for cars like this. I’m sick of big-ass, heavy, overdone SUVs that need more of absolutely everything – time, power, exotic materials, egos, whatever. Give me something light and tough and as flexible as a Swiss Army knife, and if it looks gleefully weird, all the better.


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2 years ago

I say this as a proudly unapologetic basher of all things EV… I’m absolutely in love with this thing. If EVs are to exist and flourish, they should make a complete break from the past and not try to wear the visages of ICE vehicles like a skinsuit the way Tesla does. This right here is what the future should look like.

ElectricOffRoaders .com
ElectricOffRoaders .com
2 years ago

Yeah, this is cool. I dig.

2 years ago

As someone who loves simple. I’d buy one right now. Those golf pegs would be great bag handle holders. Why does simple and smart have less audience then excessive and fat?

2 years ago

Love it!

Citroen explored a very similar concept in 2007 with the C-Cactus (few parts, pared down features, interchangeable panels, bold design to make you forget you are buying a cheap car, etc). Unfortunately what came out of it (2014 C4 Cactus) was a fairly conventional cheap thing. And (unfortunately), turns out people say they only need a simple car with only the essentials, but when it is time to purchase a car, they want all the niceties even if they will never use them. So the car never really took off.
And they kind of did it again with the AMI ONE concept that looked really sharp but then morphed into something a lot less interesting (but unique, I give them that).

My first car was a Citroen. I really really want the brand to matter, but it has been rudderless for the last 10-12 years. It seems the current strategy is “low cost, but let’s not call it that” and it’s models are mostly re-skinned old Stelantis platforms, with a design language that doesn’t really work, and their foray into entry-luxury with the DS sub-brand is not going well.

But that’s a great concept, one can hope!

Guillaume Maurice
Guillaume Maurice
2 years ago
Reply to  Joregon

The AMI is somewhat a hit in France for a specific population.
And strangely it’s probably not who the people that designed it targeted.

I probably would have ended up with one instead of an MTX 50 if it had existed 35ish years ago.

It’s bought by families as a more secure vehicle to give their late teens ( it can be driven at 16 without a license ) to go to school or meet friends. Compared to an electric motorbike it’s not that much more expensive and it adds some metal protection which parents are going to want with teens certain they are immortals.

2 years ago

Did anyone else catch “A Johnson” as the (backlot) store name?????

of 1:15 here

Ben Duke
Ben Duke
2 years ago

I like it but did they just find the name by the reaction of their first consumer panel when they saw it : “Holy sh..!”

2 years ago

OMG! It doesn’t have a huge gaping maw grill! Who would ever want THAT?!
There’s definitely good and questionable features, but it’s sure a refreshingly different approach…

Ryan Dutra
Ryan Dutra
2 years ago

The Hammerhead Eagle iThrust, also known as Geoff, has finally made it to production!

JC Miller
JC Miller
2 years ago

Why do I see a backwards pick up truck?

2 years ago

This should appeal to Lego and Minecraft enthusiasts. And to me, who is neither.

2 years ago

Cardboard or cardboard derivatives? The front will fall off for sure.

2 years ago

I like it a lot but I’m a little confused. Is it recyclable or disposable?

Acrimonious Mofo
Acrimonious Mofo
2 years ago

This strikes me as being the right mixture of weird and sensible, and I kind of want one.

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
2 years ago

Just a small macthbox sized screen like on the original Renault Twingo would be enough. Just with some bars for the range/fuel and how slow you were going. Maybe the time. Worked great in the Twingo!

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
2 years ago

I’m suspicious. This thing’s name is an anagram for “oil”. Are we sure this isn’t made by Chevron and not Citroen? Maybe they’re trying to lure us inside the “perfect” electric car and it’s equipped with a brainwashing device that makes us want to go out and buy an Escalade?

2 years ago

Do any Citreon’s employ Hydropneumatic suspension these days? Because that would be too awesome.

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
2 years ago
Reply to  HooDooGuru

Mine does.
but it was built in 1967 😉

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
2 years ago

I just though Citroën named it after the world’s best 2CV hotrodder, but his name is with two Ls apparently. That would have been cool though. Look up Chopperolli on Instagram (posting URLs gets me on some kind of watch list)

The flat windscreen leeds your thoughts towards a Hummer. Minimal windscreen surface area is nice for not getting shot in the desert, but everywhere else it’s just dumb. It IS possible to make something beautiful with straight composite materials and glass, just look at the original Lotus Esprit.

100% yes to the classic logo. Those two photoshop chrome boomerangs, the Citroën logo had developed into recently, are just ugly.

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
2 years ago

I just though Citroën named it after the world’s best 2CV hotrodder, but his name is with two Ls apparently. That would have been cool though:

The flat windscreen leeds your thoughts towards a Hummer. Minimal windscreen surface area is nice for not getting shot in the desert, but everywhere else it’s just dumb.
It IS possible to make something beautiful with straight composite materials and glass, just look at the original Lotus Esprit!

100% yes to the classic logo! Those two photoshop chrome boomerangs, the Citroën logo had developed into recently, are just ugly.

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
2 years ago

Please delete the above comment. I thought it would never get through, so I posted it again. Sorry.

2 years ago

First things first: kudos to the screen less design. I support having one for GPS and rear camera, but that’s all. It is the difference between a cheese sandwich and a sandwich made of cheese and nothing else.
As for the size, I believe you when you say it is small, but boy, does it look massive on pictures… Maybe it is the size of the wheel arches?
The “sustentability” angle is very much welcomed. I assume they have a strategy for the batteries too? This concerns me much more than the roof panel 🙂
While I like it overall, I find the design unnecessarily busy. The flat windshield feels too much like an statement, all the more glaring due to the curved side windows. And the car still suffers of the crease and angles affliction of most modern cars. Alt least (and this is a big plus) the car doesn’t seem angry about it – finally a concept that doesn’t look like a pissed off catfish.
Again, I like it, would love to see this thing on the road and could even own one, but I wish the design was less busy. As it stands, it reminds me of the much maligned Cybertruck (that I also like, design-wise). Kind of ironic, considering their approaches to aero, and the fact that the CB has a much (much) more clean design.

Andy the Swede
Andy the Swede
2 years ago

Absolutely love it! I have a 1964 2cv that is so simple even a wrench imbecill like me can keep it going. Now i want this Oli. The lack of screens, simple seats and hopelessly crazy exterior design is just what the EV world needs!

Petter hjalmarsson
Petter hjalmarsson
2 years ago
Reply to  Andy the Swede

Hello there fellow Swedish 2CV driver 🙂 I also want a Oli now if the price is right.

J Ludwik
J Ludwik
2 years ago

Let’s give some support to the only manufacturer possibly looking to INCREASE the complexity of their logo-design. woo!

Bennett Alston
Bennett Alston
2 years ago

If I’m not wrong, those look like those UE Boom portable Bluetooth speakers at either end of the dash. A very cool concept kind of like the rivian truck. Makes good sense if you do a lot of tailgating, child sport events, or car camping I guess.

2 years ago

Very cool concept, and as has been said elsewhere, much more interesting than another three ton luxo-racer. Obviously you’re not getting a sheet of plywood in the back, but it sounds like it’d still be super useful for a million things

Chance Senger
Chance Senger
2 years ago

“Like a Nash Metropolitan, the doors are interchangeable on each side (well, the handle needs to be re-loacted, but still.)”

Hold up. How didn’t I know this before? I was obsessed with Metropolitans for a hot second in high school while my dad was trying to convince a coworker to sell one to him. (We planned on doing a light restomod with something mild like a Miata or Pontiac Solstice drivetrain, but my dad never ended up getting it.)

2 years ago

Oh my god! Citroen needs to make the Oli NOW and sell it in North America!

The Oli is only the second Citroen (after the C6) I’ve seen since the company was “saved” by Peugeot that they’ve designed a car that doesn’t remind me of a microwaved three day old omelette made with leftover Peugeot parts. Citroen must be allowed to be Citroen so that their creations can improve the world for all.

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