Home » The Time Jason (And I To A Much Lesser Extent) Trashed David’s Already Terrible Apartment: Tales From The Slack

The Time Jason (And I To A Much Lesser Extent) Trashed David’s Already Terrible Apartment: Tales From The Slack

Slacktales Toilet Topjpg

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Jalop Gold
Jalop Gold
4 months ago

Way to bury the Lede. Erica Lourd, awesome!

4 months ago
Reply to  Jalop Gold

I’ve seen her mentioned a few times before. She’s been working on their video content for a while now.

4 months ago

Matt: First lesson from Hitchhikers Guide is to always bring your towel. David and my 19y/o engineering major son would get along. My son cannot handle liquids without spilling them. We’ve had two cars ruined by old dairy smell in the carpet. Moldy coffee with cream spilled one time and raw milk (he was making cheese in school for a project).

4 months ago

Torch: “oops.”
Me, as I’m reading this: “Yep, acronym confirmed. Operation Outside Prescribed Specifications.”

Taargus Taargus
Taargus Taargus
4 months ago

Time for DT to call Mitch Bryant.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
4 months ago

I threw up in my mouth a little.

A lot. I threw up in my mouth a lot.

4 months ago

I can relate to the clogged toilet. I’ve clogged public toilets, hotel toilets, and workplace toilets on multiple occasions, and even clogged the kind from the 1950s that have enough suction to swallow a chicken. So home low-flow toilets with even less flushing capability are problematic, especially at friends’ houses.

Pro-tip: keep a bent coat hangar and a plunger next to your home commode. Breaking everything up helps it go down, but even then, that may not be enough.

4 months ago

The evening dump. Always the riskier one.

4 months ago

But I am a member!

4 months ago

So is that cooked chicken that was in his oven still available?
SWG! That 26 Chrysler is so awesome!!!

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
4 months ago
Reply to  Freelivin2713

My thoughts exactly! I dig your style, my homie.

4 months ago

So glad that you’re better Jason. And yup, moving sucks, that’s why I don’t do it. Hell, it would take me 3 months to pack up up my massive RV and car memorabilia and model collection, never mind another month to pack up the hotwheels and matchbox cars. Please tell me you threw that swiffer away after you used it. God forbid it should be used to dust something now after the pure hell y’all put it through. Good to know, though, that in an emergency a swiffer will hold up to poop water.

4 months ago

Where you been SWG?!?!?!

We miss you!

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
4 months ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

Coming back with a vengeance wicked shortly. Thanks a ton for the kind sentiment, my dude!

4 months ago

I been jonesing for content from your Southern Lair

Crank Shaft
Crank Shaft
4 months ago

His GF will fix him quick. She drives a Lexus after all.

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
4 months ago

My favorite part has to be SWG’s dogged “hey yellow Chrylsers amiright?!” conversational attempts right before everything gets steered into a very different lane. I like to think he knows exactly when to fold when playing with this group.

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
4 months ago
Reply to  Jack Trade

Amen, Jack!

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
4 months ago

Will we get a SWG piece about refurbishing that ’26 and selling it to a community college student for $75?

Stephen Walter Gossin
Stephen Walter Gossin
4 months ago

Harvey! There will be some SWG on the site this week with the Good Lord a-willin’ and if the creek don’t rise!

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
4 months ago


A. Barth
A. Barth
4 months ago

(like the time he left a cooked chicken in his oven for, oh, three months)

Hey now – if the chicken reached an internal temperature of 165F, and if the oven had a good seal, and if no one opened the oven after it cooled, then in theory that chicken should have been fine in that sterile environment forever.

at least this time I remembered to bring my own towel

That’s why high praise from Douglas Adams included “he’s a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is”.

If one or more members of the ‘topian staff are not familiar with the works of Mr. Adams, please let me know. I will not judge; instead I would treat that as a teachable moment.

4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

And possibly send the offending staffer a copy of the first book in the increasingly inaccurately named trilogy.

A. Barth
A. Barth
4 months ago
Reply to  Dave

Not “the offending staffer” – remember, no judging.

But yes. 🙂

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

Probably not. Ovens are vented so pathogens can enter a cold oven that way. Plus cooking might kill 99.999999% of existing pathogens but that still leaves thousands of pathogens in that petri dish if there were billions to start with.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

What kind of an oven can hold a chicken AND a seal?

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
4 months ago

I knew better than to trust anything with flipper-grey flooring.

Did he at least get his deposit back?

A. Barth
A. Barth
4 months ago
Reply to  Stef Schrader

I think the deposit was the problem. 😐

4 months ago
Reply to  A. Barth

Nice one. More to the point, Jason got his deposit back.

Brandon Forbes
Brandon Forbes
4 months ago

I love this more than I should. Y’all are far too entertaining! And now I’m picturing Jason calmly saying “oops” as he walks out of the bathroom, followed by a tidal wave of sewage. Meanwhile David looks up from his computer in the corner and exclaims “Come on man! I eat in there!”

4 months ago
Reply to  Brandon Forbes

No worries, David eats his spaghetti in the shower. From what I gathered, only the toilet backed up. Bon Appetit!

4 months ago

“Oops” is one of those words that depends on who’s uttering it. A little kid coloring outside the lines expressing an oops wouldn’t concern me. Torch dropping an oops as he leaves a bathroom would worry me.

4 months ago
Reply to  10001010

Torch dropping an oops as he leaves a bathroom would worry me.

That would worry almost anyone, with good reason.

4 months ago

I can just feel the beaming pride of “you’ll have clean towels this time!” and I have tears in my eyes from laughing.

That said, being in the next town over from Torch… let’s just say I haven’t missed a daylight saving time change in a few years.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mechjaz

My housemate cleans his tea towels by popping them in the microwave for thirty seconds.
I mean, I guess it probably sterilises them, but they’re still stained 🙁

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