Home » This ‘General Wee’ Comuta-Car Is One Seriously Strange Way To Spend $8,000

This ‘General Wee’ Comuta-Car Is One Seriously Strange Way To Spend $8,000

General Wee Ts

Every so often, online car auction sites serve us up a slice of pure, unadulterated weirdness. It’s a nice break from pristine typical collector cars, and you aren’t getting much weirder than this. This very orange, rather modified malaise-era electric car is named the General Wee, and it just sold on Bring A Trailer for a whopping $8,000. That’s real used modern electric car money. So why?

If you aren’t familiar with the Comuta-Car, don’t worry — it’s an evolution of the 1974 Sebring-Vanguard CitiCar, a rolling electric Toblerone bar that was an attempt at doing something, anything in the wake of the fuel crisis. Before Nissan launched the Leaf, the CitiCar was the most popular electric car in America by sales numbers, which highlights just how dark the dark ages of EVs were.

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With eight six-volt lead-acid batteries and a six-horsepower motor, this thing was just barely slow enough to have a three-step speed controller instead of an actual potentiometer-style accelerator. We’re talking about a top speed south of 40 mph here, good enough for urban use but questionable outside of its limited use case. Oh, and did I mention that for the Comuta-Car version, the batteries were moved into the bumpers? This thing is adorably crappy, which helps explain why someone decided to turn a Comuta-Car into a General Lee tribute.

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While the orange paint and requisite numbers are self-explanatory, and the “General Wee” stickers are hilarious, there are a few deeper ponderings that arise when you take a gander at this Comuta-Car. Are those side-by-side wheels? Great question. Perhaps. They’re definitely blingy for the General Wee, as this is one vehicle that makes 14-inch wheels look absolutely huge. The rubber band tires might affect the ride, but then again, these things were never known for their comfort, so the impact is likely negligible. Speaking of cosmetic add-ons, given the theme of the General Wee, you’re probably wondering what’s on the roof. Great question.


1981 Commuter Cars Comuta Car general wee 1e7c5c92 06cc 433f B9c7 98d32c36c801 37654 Scaled Copy

It’s a black vinyl rendition of the stars and stripes. Whoever built this thing kept it classy, perhaps keeping Ohio’s place in the general realm of historical events at the front of mind, or perhaps knowing full well that what’s considered socially acceptable changes as norms shift. Either way, bullet dodged.

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Oh, and it’s worth noting that this Comuta-Car is a proper hot rod. The old lead-acid batteries are gone, replaced by lithium-ion units that feed a 72-volt DC motor through an Alltrax controller. While all of this stuff won’t turn the General Wee into a rocketship, it should perk up performance nicely.

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So, other than as a hilarious gag, why would someone pay $8,000 for this orange doorstop? Well, the auction seems to have been for a cause. According to the Bring A Trailer listing, “Proceeds from the sale will be used to resurface the running track at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio, according to the seller.” While there’s no indication that the buyer is an alumnus of the school, the winning bidder did comment “Eat your heart out Cybertruck owners!”

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Actually, that’s it. Why spend six figures on a low-polygonal electric car when you can get essentially the same thing for four figures? Hey, if one of these wedge-shaped EVs is good enough for Jack White, chances are the General Wee is a proper barrel of laughs. Is it $8,000 worth of laughs? That depends on your perspective, but the world is brighter because one individual thinks it is. Rock on.

(Photo credits: Bring A Trailer)

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Myk El
Myk El
3 months ago

♫ Just a good ol’ boys
Never meanin’ no harm
Beats none you ever saw
Been chargin’ up the car since the day they was born ♫

Box Rocket
Box Rocket
3 months ago

Possibly a missed opportunity to advertise its Lithium-powered conversion and call it the General Li (but done in such a way that it doesn’t seem like it’s using an Asian last name). The graphic on top could be a battery symbol, perhaps with “Powered by Lithium” tastefully incorporated.

I’ve driven one of these in – as near as we could tell – factory spec around a parking lot. Nice immediate giddy-up but that was about it. Wooden seat (literally), no seat belts, and it lacked a way to tell if/how much it was charged, if memory serves, though that’s also not that difficult to add nowadays.

Felonious Thunk
Felonious Thunk
3 months ago

I had a ComutaCar back in the 90’s. It was scary to drive over 35mph. My kids did not want to be seen in it. There were many times it broke down with the original controls.

3 months ago

As others have said, I wouldn’t celebrate the black American flag over the Confederate one. A pretty violent symbol. https://www.biscaynetimes.com/viewpoint/the-%E2%80%98no-quarter%E2%80%99-flag-and-its-threat-to-america/

3 months ago

The buyer did purchase a vehicle that could “run” around the track before meets and events. I’m sure the crowd would love it.

Lincoln Clown CaR
Lincoln Clown CaR
3 months ago

Huh, I live super close to this dude, but have not seen that thing driving around. Or maybe I just didn’t notice it.

3 months ago

Do you generally go out with a microscope handy?

3 months ago

But how well does it jump?

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
3 months ago

“Adorably crappy” General Wee..

Are you SURE this isn’t a Port-O-Potty?

3 months ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

Everything is a port-o-potty if you can get away fast enough.

Last edited 3 months ago by D-dub
Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
3 months ago
Reply to  D-dub

Tru dat.

Steve P
Steve P
3 months ago

Roscoe might actually have a shot at catching it.

James Carson
James Carson
3 months ago

A prof at the University I attended drove one of these. His was yellow IIRC. He didn’t drive it in the freeze box winter, bc of the cold.

3 months ago

The all back US flag is not really an improvement given what it symbolizes.

Pisco Sour
Pisco Sour
3 months ago
3 months ago

… and the baby car went wee, wee, wee all the way home.

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
3 months ago

You’re not getting away from Roscoe and Enos in this. Better have a good lawyer.
Oh, wait, Boss Hogg is probably the only lawyer in Hazard County.

3 months ago

Lawyer no; judge, jury and executioner yes.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tbird
3 months ago

It’s a black vinyl rendition of the stars and stripes.

They should have used a French flag. This could have been the General Oui.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
3 months ago
Reply to  Drew

Why so it can surrender to the first Smart car it comes across?

3 months ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

The French have won more wars than the Confederates.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
3 months ago
Reply to  Drew


3 months ago
Reply to  Drew

At the risk of ruining the fun, the whole French surrender “joke” is a result of the country losing an entire generation of young men during WWI and having no capacity to fend off Hitler. It’s tragic, not funny.

3 months ago
Reply to  DadBod

Very valid point. I’m of the opinion that tragedy can lead to humor and that dark humor can be good, but it doesn’t even really have the dark humor at this point. It’s just a thing people say while ignoring much of French history, the context of the surrender, and the significance of the resistance post-surrender.

Motorhead Mike
Motorhead Mike
3 months ago
Reply to  DadBod

Thank you.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
3 months ago
Reply to  Drew

Sold with a shotgun rack holding a baguette, which I believe is the law in France.

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
3 months ago

Finally, a vehicle equipped to handle the greatness of Vance and Coy Duke.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sid Bridge


But yes.

Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
3 months ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

Coy and Vance would/should be all over the Dukes of Hazzard fan fiction.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sid Bridge


3 months ago

If I had the kind of spare change to blow $8k, I’d rock this. I’d change the all black flag to one in the proper colors, personally.

What could possibly out draw this at any car gathering though?

3 months ago

Does it have the “Dixie” horn, emulated on a xylophone or kazoo perhaps?
It’s the Changli’s grandparent.

Nils Petter Bakken
Nils Petter Bakken
3 months ago
Reply to  Data

The Ylvis brothers (what does the fox say) put a trainhorn on one

3 months ago
Reply to  Data

This one probably plays the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Library of Context
Library of Context
3 months ago
Reply to  ShinyMetalAsp

The ‘General Wee’ needs a pair of these as truck nuts.

Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
3 months ago

“General Wee”. The joke itself is worth $8,000.00….

3 months ago

I would 100% rather have this than a cybertruck, General Wee, *Chef’s Kiss*

3 months ago

If I was any good at fiberglass at all it’d be fun to buy one of these and shape into a shortened CyberTruck then drive it to the Tesla center by my house and demand they refund me for shrinkage!

3 months ago
Reply to  10001010

Tesla service: “It does that in the cold”

3 months ago

I would absolutely use this deathtrap as daily driver.

Wait. There’s no way this thing has AC. I retract my previous comment. I also doubt it’s ability to jump a river.

3 months ago
Reply to  Outofstep

But you’d have no time give out an extended YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAH!!!

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
3 months ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

It would be more of a “WEE-HAAH!”

3 months ago
Reply to  Sid Bridge

COTD right there

3 months ago
Reply to  StillNotATony

That can be added to the freeze-frame, right before the narrator talks about how you’re in a whole heap of trouble.

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