Home » Why Aren’t You Driving Your Car? Autopian Asks

Why Aren’t You Driving Your Car? Autopian Asks

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As car enthusiasts, we love to collect cars, fawn over them, and even wash them sometimes. But most of all, we love driving them. And yet, more than the average person, we might find ourselves not driving our pride and joy instead. That’s my question to you—why aren’t you driving your car?

Of course, this can happen for all sorts of reasons. Number one is usually because your car is broken. If you’re a gearhead, you might have bought some stupid BMW that’s ruined your life, or an old wreck in need of some restoration. If your car’s out of service, I feel you, fam. I get that you wanna be back behind the wheel.

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Alternatively, gas prices could be getting you down. They’re not exactly cheap these days, and it’s worse if you’re running a car on premium. Sure, you could save money with a Costco membership, but who has time to wait in line? Well, Adrian, apparently, but not the rest of us.

Look, it’s my car! I’m, uh. I’m not driving it.

Or perhaps… perhaps you don’t feel the need to drive. Maybe you’ve given up on hitting the drive-thru at In & Out, and you’re cooking instead. Or you’ve… switched to public transport?! Or maybe you’ve just got nowhere to go. Lately, I’m finding myself in the latter category.

Sometimes, though, I like it when I can drive, but I don’t have to. I particularly enjoy road trips with the boys, when I get to chill out in the passenger seat of my own ride. Or even the rear bench! It’s cool seeing your own car from a different perspective, you know? You get to feel what it’s like to be a passenger in your own sweet whip.

Choose your chauffeurs carefully.

In any case, those are all the vague reasons I could possibly come up with. Now give me yours. Why aren’t you driving your car at the moment? Inquiring minds, well… they’d like to know.

Image credits: Lewin Day (I’m in the photos, duh)

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3 months ago

Finally a question I can fully answer:

Short Term: Where I’m at for the next several years I don’t need a car to get around, and dealing with any car would cost me time which I am already short on.

Long Term: Auto insurance is fairly corrupt by the nature of it being legally required in 49 of 50 states (NH doesn’t require it, and Virginia offers a public auto insurance option if you do not wish to get your own insurance), yet auto insurance companies are not legally required to provide you auto insurance at a reasonable rate. So if you find yourself unable to be insured (like many Kia and Hyundai owners during the “Kia Boys” fad of thefts, including many Kia and Hyundai owners who did not own the specific models that were easy to steal, or manual transmission variants of the specific models that were getting stolen, but the manual transmission variants were not being stolen for obvious reasons. In some areas the rates of auto break ins and thefts are so high that if you can get auto insurance the rates are ridiculous. While I can afford auto insurance it’s more a point of principle for me.

So I got two long term choices in regards to cars.

1.) Move to NH and in doing so limit myself to aluminum body and or aluminum chassis automobiles that can handle the humidity (ew) and the large amount of road salt in the winter.

2.) Move somewhere else that I like, but use modes of transportation that do not have mandatory insurance requirements (Bicycles, mopeds, boats, aircraft, etc.)

I’ll most likely go with option 2, but I’m hedging my bets.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
3 months ago
Reply to  MrLM002

Remember in NH you don’t need issuance but must be bonded for the minimum amount, meaning you have money just sitting there doing nothing.

3 months ago
Reply to  Arrest-me Red

You don’t have to be bonded either, you just need the ability to pay for minimum required coverage out of pocket from my understanding.

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
3 months ago
Reply to  MrLM002

Which no one does so you are boned if hit by uninsured. Just pay the darn insurance.

3 months ago
Reply to  MrLM002

You don’t, but if you cause over 1k in damage the other person can file to have your license suspended in till they voluntarily give you your license back or the lawsuit is concluded. And you will be likely sued. Also we don’t Live Free or Die across state lines, so you could never leave New Hampshire, which is a hell I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemies.

No Kids, Just Bikes
No Kids, Just Bikes
3 months ago

Sportsmobile – moved to the sticks and no longer have any desire to camp. Trying to decide where to list it for sale.

GTI – Intake manifold replacement gone bad. Couple injectors came out with it which means they now need to be resealed. Ordered the tool to do it, but it just ruined the teflon seals. Ordered better tool and am now waiting on more seals.

996 – Transmission is ouched. It’ll go into the shop once the GTI is out.

Lotus 7 Replica – Virginia’s taking its sweet time titling an assigned-in-Tennessee VIN. I am about out of patience, though, and may just risk the ticket. It’s got a tuned SR20DET.

This is why I keep a couple Toyotas in the fleet.

3 months ago

The same as many others, I’m not driving the MG because of the oppressive heat. We had a good run through the spring up until a couple of weeks ago though. Maybe I’ll take it out for an evening runabout this weekend if it cools off a bit.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mgbe39
A Man from Florida
A Man from Florida
3 months ago
Reply to  Mgbe39

Hey are you me? I’ve got a77 MGB and live in Florida, so the 95°, or higher, days have out a damper on my driving. Although today we had a major temperature drop that brought a hailstorm, so that was nice.

I’ll see the twisties in September.

3 months ago
Reply to  Mgbe39

Yup, it’s low 90s here which would be fine except for the oppressive humidity. The ’95 Miata sits in the garage silently judging me while I drive the Kia with its 21st century air conditioning.

Last edited 3 months ago by DialMforMiata
3 months ago

It is summer so both mine are getting driven regularly. My Mustang sits a lot more during the school year as my youngest isn’t really big enough for a booster yet, and like hell I’m dealing with a big child seat in the back of that thing. I’ve done it before in a pinch and it wasn’t overly fun. By the end of the next school year he should be fine in a booster so it’ll get used for a lot more daily tasks. It does sit from ~November to early April because why expose it to that much salt. Also it sucks to drive in the snow.

3 months ago

8 mpg. AC needs a compressor.
But really, I have been inundated with work the last few years, and the time I used for working on my ride evaporated, which are up the time I could drive. I still do drive, though. About 1 mile every other month, so it doesn’t look abandoned.

3 months ago

Fiat 500e – Daily driver currently since the range is enough to get to work and I can charge it for free there.
Prius – not being driven because the 500e costs 4 times less per mile.
Saabaru – Gets driven occasionally for longer trips, like the Oppo Rally last month, and going to the UP later this month.
Suzuki Alto Works – Used to be the around town/short road trip weekend car, but 500e took that over, so it’s mostly for slightly longer trips, like the *other* Oppo Rally last month, that was less far away.
Silverado – it’s for truck things, and I haven’t needed to do truck things. Plus it did almost 5000 miles in one week in April, so it’s resting.
Miata – still haven’t fixed the issue with the throttle body getting stuck on the ABS module at full throttle (it’s not in the stock location because supercharger), and it needs a fender and rear quarter repainted. Plus the Alto Works absorbed most of the trips I used to use it for.

3 months ago

Because I got fired. #sadhorn

Mechanical Pig
Mechanical Pig
3 months ago

My “daily” is a company issued Ford Focus. It’s…fine. Aside from it’s crappy DCT that gets lurchy in stop and go traffic, it’s a cromulent enough transportation appliance. It’s in good working order, reliable, and has AC. I report the mileage each month, and last month, it got a whopping 180 miles. Maybe half a tank of gas. The car is completely covered- gas, insurance, maint/repairs, and there’s no limit on personal use or anything.

I’m not driving it because I’ve found my Zero DSR, with a set of Givi panniers and top box, has both range and cargo capacity for probably 98% of my daily transportation needs. It’s not only practical, but it’s a bike that’s both fast and handles well, so it can make even mundane errand running fun. Bonus, zero engine heat, very welcome in Texas summers where most gas bikes are roasting your legs and the fan is running constantly like a hair dryer aimed at your crotch.

If I need to do a grocery stock up run, it’s raining, or I need to bring passengers, I’ll bring the car, but those are pretty infrequent, so it sits a lot.

Evan M
Evan M
3 months ago

Honestly of my four project cars, only two are not being driven…
The Piazza needs new steering bushing, which I managed to source but then lost in the parts pile. Joy. It can technically be driven without, but the AC is weak on it and the heat stuck on, so I’m not in a hurry to get back on the road right now.
The Saab needs a new fuel distributor, which I have but haven’t mustered the energy to put in, plus once I do I must start driving that car at least monthly lest the distributor go bad again.

Root Beer
Root Beer
3 months ago

I just don’t find myself interested in driving anymore, it kinda sucks. I work from home, and I only really go out to do the grocery shopping and to schlep my daughter to and from school, and I don’t live in a place that has any fun, winding roads to hurtle down, like I did 20 years ago. I used to go out well after midnight and get lost, heat on and windows down on a brisk fall night, the only lights around being the ones on my gauges, my stereo, and my head/taillights, while I’m out in the middle of nowhere. I’m not in a place for that sort of thing anymore.

It doesn’t help that everyone’s gone all broke-brained since the pandemic; I nearly got run off the road the other day because a guy was, idk, texting or checking facebook or whatever, so he was over the center line veering into my lane. This is becoming more and more frequent, as is people blowing through stop signs and traffic lights, and just general asshole behavior.

Finally, I drive a Civic hatchback now, down from an Si, because I tended to be sorta aggressive myself when driving it, and I don’t want to be That Guy. I’ve resigned myself to the car-as-appliance mindset lately, and it bums me out, my next car will be electrified in some way, likely a PHEV, which means no more manual too. If it weren’t for all the psychos out there that I can’t trust on the road, I’d just ride a bike for most of my errands.

So I don’t drive anymore because it’s just another task.

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
3 months ago
Reply to  Root Beer

Sadly, I feel the same now, driving has become a task, and post pandemic people now drive like anal orifices! ۹( ÒہÓ )۶

Dan Parker
Dan Parker
3 months ago
Reply to  Root Beer

I have been thinking about dumping my BRZ for similar reasons… I have the perfect commute for it, about 13 miles each way of canyon road, but the traffic has gotten bad enough over the last few years that I almost never get a chance to enjoy it. That sucks, but I really don’t like feeling annoyed with other folks that are just driving to work because they’re in my way. It’s much less of a problem when I drive my 4runner.

First Last
First Last
3 months ago
Reply to  Root Beer

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. I know it’s my unofficial job as I age to become cranky about what the youths are doing, but no joke there has been an absolute spike in just godawful driving the last few years. And in my area it feels like enforcement has gone to near zero. I find myself flying along at 15-20 over and not even thinking about consequences because there don’t seem to be any. And while I’m going 15 over, the dude-bro inevitably tailgating me in the lifted HD pickup pulling a 30-foot utility trailer clearly isn’t worried either.

Root Beer
Root Beer
3 months ago
Reply to  First Last

Last year (or the year before, idk, time no longer makes sense to me), Ohio passed a distracted driving law. I have seen zero change, and I’m not even sure how they intended to enforce it in the first place.

Also, this isn’t even a matter of “lousy millennials/zoomers”, I see plenty of Xers and boomers doing this shit too. It’s more that nothing matters anymore.

NC Miata NA
NC Miata NA
3 months ago

The Miata with nearly 30 year old air conditioning doesn’t stand a chance when it is a disgustingly humid 98 degrees outside and I don’t particularly enjoy being drenched in sweat from merely sitting in a car. The peak top down season here is March – May then again September – November.

3 months ago

My wife usually has our dd rav4 since I work from home. My to be garage queen fun car 52 MG td got incinerated when my dad burned leaves and his garage. It is now a sad small lump of oxidation in his driveway. Rather hard to drive.

3 months ago
Reply to  ToyotaTaxPayer

This reminds me of a poem I’ve known by heart since I was four years old:

A peanut sat on a railroad track
His heart was all aflutter
The 5:15 came rushing by
Toot toot! Peanut butter!

3 months ago

My 97 Jeep TJ has a broken front brake line. Given the state of the rest of the jeep, it’ll likely be donated to charity soon.

Óscar Morales Vivó
Óscar Morales Vivó
3 months ago

There’s driving and there’s dealing with ***ing traffic.

In only have time for the former on weekends, and I avoid the latter as much as possible.

I actually am going to have to brave rush hour traffic today, wish me luck.

Dan Parker
Dan Parker
3 months ago

My project c10 is still on jack stands waiting on me to finish the rear coilover conversion… It’s getting close, most of the disassembly is done and I’m almost done with the cutting, but the weather has sucked for the last couple of weeks.

3 months ago

I just put 2500 miles on my car last week on a nice road trip to the Rockies. A particularly enjoyable stretch was cruising the Heartland on the 4th of July on the way home. Beautiful scenery through the backroads of Iowa and Wisconsin and it seemed like everybody had their classic car out for a cruise!

Currently I’m not driving cuz I’m at work. Also the RNC is setting up across the street and that’s making it hard to walk, let alone drive anywhere around here.

Cool Dave
Cool Dave
3 months ago

I have a work truck I’m in 99% of the time because it’s nicer than either of my personal cars and easier to drive in traffic. Taking that out of the equation my Mustang has an annoying wheel shake I can’t track down and only runs on 93 and my D100 I haven’t bothered to register/insure as I simply don’t have time to drive it.. man that sounds like a LOT of excuses.

3 months ago

Evidently, my wife has no impediments to driving her car. She only has to work in person one day a week and all of our kids are out of school, but she seems to be now driving more? Granted, she get bit stir crazy if home too long.

Professor Chorls
Professor Chorls
3 months ago

It’s 97 degrees and humid and the Mitsu has two server fans rigged in front of the OEM blower motor because they built the van around it, and the A/C seems to only want to work 1 in 10 times (possible electrical issue in the dashboard.

At least I fixed the blower in the other two…

3 months ago

I don’t have money for the suspension components I asked about back in March 🙁

That said, it’s been 90°+ for more than a month and been at least 40% RH to boot. I’ve been working with a little bit of steel I stripped down to bare metal, went inside for lunch, and came back out to find it rusted in an air conditioned shed.

3 months ago

Parking. I have a narrow driveway and not many other good options as my work van blocks access to the back yard. This means my little wrx sits way too much—to the point that I got a battery tender for it

3 months ago

I’m driving all my cars but my new to me dirtbike is just sitting in the garage looking pretty.

Red sticker season starts October 1st so I’ll have to wait till then to ride in the state parks. I could take it other places, but it’s 111 outside today.

No thanks.

3 months ago

My project car Tiburon is broken currently and it’s lower on the priority list than my house stuff so it will likely stay broken for a while. My other cars are used frequently though.

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
3 months ago

Because it’s been so damn hot and humid, I’m driving the Camaro and not the Biege Unicorn because the AC works in the Camaro, was only driving the Biege Unicorn because the Camaro had a cracked windshield, but man was I suffering.

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3 months ago

Well it’s summertime and everything is working so depending on whatever factors I feel like I’m rotating through all my vehicles. My V Sport won’t see too much action unless rain is scheduled. My squarebody has the motor swap done and is running good, but I have yet to get the ac sorted so warm days may see it parked. Also despite the modern engine and trans it still gets the worst mileage in my fleet. The stars of the summertime are my Miata and of course my boat, both of which are seeing as much drive time as I can while the weather is nice.

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