Home » You Cannot Escape Cats, Even On Your Favorite Car Site: COTD

You Cannot Escape Cats, Even On Your Favorite Car Site: COTD


There’s a joke that the internet pretty much exists just for cat pictures. In fact, the subject of animals on the internet is apparently so serious that there have been scientific surveys and quite a lot of research about it. Back in 2015, CNN estimated that there were around 6.5 billion cat pictures on the internet, a number that must be absolutely insane today. Back then, that was more or less the equivalent of one cat picture for every person on the planet.

Nobody really knows why cat images are so prominent everywhere you go on the net, but the theories are endless. One CNN report noted that some cat owners connect with each other by posting their cute furballs on the net. Another theory in that same report was that humans have a fascination with cats as they can be unpredictable and just weird. One BBC report noted that then Assistant Professor Jessica Gall Myrick from Indiana University asked 7,000 people how they felt after watching cat videos, and the results suggested that people felt better after looking at some felines.

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What I’m getting at here is that cats are inevitable. For David, this means his Jeep is now home to some cute kitties. Though, those kitties are going to need their own shitcase or something because I shudder to think about what that thing smells like right now.


For you dear readers, this means you’ve now seen multiple posts about cats on a car site! CoolDave knows what’s going on:


Sooo is this the Catopian now?

And for a second COTD win today, rootwyrm lays it down with a simple response:

Always was.

Finally, we have Citrus, who really made us giggle:

And people say a manual ZJ isn’t a pussy magnet

Also, for the purposes of today’s COTD, it’s “Cat Owner of The Day.” Now for some housekeeping. If you’re not a member and you’re worried about the status of our professional car designer, Adrian, don’t worry! Our resident goth is fine! Have a great weekend, everyone.

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Marc Fuhrman
Marc Fuhrman
1 year ago

So do we have any updates on the kittens? Last I heard one may have found a new home?

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 year ago
Reply to  Marc Fuhrman

I for one, would not be upset if the Monday morning dump was primarily devoted to news of the kittens well being. Cars are cool and all, but animal’s are definitely more important.

Stefan Furi
Stefan Furi
1 year ago

Full off topic.
I’ve been nursing this for while so I think it’s time to let out and see how its going to develop. Mercedes, I’ve an offer for you. I live in Austria and I have a small condo in Vienna, which Im rarely using. I would like to invite you to Vienna for lets say, for a month. I would add to the mix a car too, which you could use meanwhile you are here (a small Lexus, my third car, I love it dearly but it’s just sits around). You could deep dive in the European car culture and of course maybe pick up some euro-spec Smart accessories or whatever :).
(Oh and just to be clear I don’t need anything for this, the condo and the car is on me for the whole time. I just would like the read some content about this part of the world from your perspective.)

Gary Lynch
Gary Lynch
1 year ago

Give the proverbial Autopian term “Shitbox” a whole new meaning….

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary Lynch

Now that’s a great comment!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary Lynch

You’ve got a real one when the kitty litter has go in the car, not just under it.

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 year ago

This has nothing to do with the article, just a random comment (isn’t that what the COTD comments section is for? Final thoughts on the day or a random hey look at this thing). Anyway…
Freakonomics Radio recently released an outstanding follow up to their 2014 piece “A Perfect Crime” about pedestrian deaths in an automotive landscape.
It’s called “Why Is the U.S. So Good at Killing Pedestrians?” and it’s worth a listen.
Well researched, great guests talking about everything from city planning and street design to hood heights, distracted driving and vehicle user interface issues.
Give it a listen. I think most Autopians will appreciate it.
What else are y’all gonna do, just stand around staring at a wall until Monday, waiting to let your obsessive automotive madness loose when Cold Start drops?
Seriously, they bring up and discuss (somewhat scientifically) so many of the issues we debate over and over here in the peanut gallery of Autopia Theater.
Why are you still reading this?
Why am I still typing more words?

Go, listen to it.

Or if you want to get out of your automotive obsessive mind for a bit and just relax, watch some TV, I recommend “The Bear” on Hulu. Obsessives rejoice, finally, TV written for our brains that is both stimulating and calming.

Wait.. you’re still reading this?

Last edited 1 year ago by Idle Sentiments
1 year ago

I’m still reading because you kept writing. Why did you stop?

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 year ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

Had to, my wife got home and gave me that get off your phone and start dinner look.

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
1 year ago

I am back to as normal as I get, which is to say not really normal at all. But physically I’m doing okay and currently roaring about in something fun you’ll be able to read about soon.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Glad to hear you’re doing well but yes, we already know about the pasties.

Dsa Lkjh
Dsa Lkjh
1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Very glad to hear you’re ok, I was nearly concerned enough to buy a cloth membership.

Cameron Showers
Cameron Showers
1 year ago

I on the other hand approve of DT’s new feline overlords! They’re so precious and adorable and having a baby calico of my own she now has a few (of pure happenstance) feline gear head heroes.

Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
1 year ago

I wouldn’t be too worried about cat smell in the car. Cats by nature don’t like to defecate anywhere near where they sleep. I’m sure mama cat has already found a remote location for that business.

As a true catophile, you couldn’t post enough pictures of Dave’s brood to satisfy me. For the rest of you, let us have our moment in the sun.

1 year ago
Reply to  Opa Carriker

I think the litter boxes in cat hoarder houses get overwhelmed, and then the cats go search for a better location to do their business. And that eventually befouls the house. They’d much rather take the cleaner and less smelly option, but their humans won’t do their clean up duties and overcrowds the house with cats. I’m not sure about the kittens, they probably had to do their poops in the ZJ.

1 year ago
Reply to  Turkina

Momma cats typically lick up their kittens’ output. Evolutionarily to keep the nest from smelling and attracting predators.

not a biologist(zoologist?)—and it’s been decades since I had a litter of kitties in the house, so, grain of salt & all that

Last edited 1 year ago by TOSSABL
Opa Carriker
Opa Carriker
1 year ago
Reply to  Turkina

We currently the owners of 3 one year old cats. Two yellow ones that are brother and sister, and an all black one that has moved in as a boarder. It is a daily must to clean and empty their cat boxes. We provide two boxes. When done properly there is no smell whatsoever. Skip a day and you will notice! When we leave the house for more than a couple of days, we ensure that someone comes by and deals with it for us. Bottom line? Cats are wonderful to have in your life but do require work. No free ride here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Opa Carriker
Steve Lee
Steve Lee
1 year ago
Reply to  Opa Carriker

yeah, it’s not mom I’m worried about. It’s the kittens.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
1 year ago
Reply to  Opa Carriker

Also the jeep has been packed with heavy parts and probably already reeks.

Shooting Brake
Shooting Brake
1 year ago
Reply to  Opa Carriker

It is their pee that is highly concentrated and smells and is notoriously difficult to eradicate.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
1 year ago
Reply to  Shooting Brake

It can be difficult. Not impossible. A good enzyme cleaner, vinegar, borax, hot water and a wet/dry vac all work wonders.

And if they don’t there’s always fire.

Idle Sentiments
Idle Sentiments
1 year ago
Reply to  Cheap Bastard

As the owner of an 18 year old Maine Coon with borderline feline dementia I approve this message.
It can be cleaned, their company and silly shenanigans are worth more than the cost of cleaning up after them.
Grandpa cat is still spry and full of chirpy love, but he’s not great at recognizing what is and isn’t a litter box anymore. I could get annoyed and angry about it, or I can look at it positively.
He helps motivate me to fold and put away my laundry immediately after washing, no more leaving the hamper on the bed. Where is that smell coming from? Found it, I guess it’s been a while since I cleaned behind the fridge, it needed to be done anyway.
Thanks for the motivation Mace boy.
If the kitties made a gross mess in the Jeep that’s just their way of adding to the quality of the future build. Their way of saying “Don’t forget about the interior. This carpet has got to go.”
Listen closely to your feline overlords.
They are here to help you be a better human.

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