Home » You’d Have To Be Mad To Ride This 1,200 Horsepower V12 250 MPH ‘Quad Bike’ (But I Want To)

You’d Have To Be Mad To Ride This 1,200 Horsepower V12 250 MPH ‘Quad Bike’ (But I Want To)

V12 Quad Ts

Hello Dear Reader, I have some questions for you. Are you an adrenaline junkie? Is jumping out of perfectly functional planes not good enough for you? Do you absolutely, positively need to feel you’re cheating death to be officially having fun? Well, I have the ride for you! Meet the Engler V12, a 1,200 HP engine with a seat on top of it calling itself a “quad bike,” or more specifically a “SuperQuad.” Yes, this is basically just a hypercar you sit on rather than in, and honestly, what a great way to depart from your mortal plane of existence.

The Engler V12 first made rounds in the media back in the spring, but it’s making the rounds again thanks in part to Top Gear finally getting to test one of these SuperQuad things, the creation of Slovak engineer Victor Engler, and yes, it really is going into production. I suppose this is the machine for you if you want the speed brought on by a Bugatti, but are allergic to such luxuries as roofs and windshields. This is for the kind of person who might want a Can-Am Spyder, but thinks a top speed of 113 mph is just too slow. If that’s you, here’s something you can twist the throttle on all the way to 250 mph, provided you’re crazy enough to drive something that fast without being enclosed in a cockpit.

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You’ve probably never heard of a Victor Engler or an Engler Automotive before and that’s okay. Engler says his company has been around for nearly a decade, and it’s based on a dream he’s had for about 35 years. When Engler was a kid, he had a dream to create his own supercar. But he didn’t want to create any normal supercar. His would combine the traits of the world’s fastest cars with motorcycles and confusingly, quads. Yes, those same kinds of quads you fell off of as a kid. But Engler’s would go far and beyond, pushing the definition of a “quad bike” to the limit.

The company’s development timelines have been lengthy. A rough concept for what was known as the Engler F.F was revealed in 2017. Then, the vehicle started making the auto show rounds in 2019.


Sq Helicopter

Engler called his F.F “the world’s first and only SuperQuad” and to his credit, he wasn’t wrong. There haven’t been many people in history who looked at a supercar and thought it would be improved by removing its roof and replacing its steering wheel with a motorcycle handlebar.

The F.F, later called the Desat, robbed poor Audi R8 5.2s of their V10 engines, headlights, and other parts. Then it got two turbos to crank the power up from 620 HP to 850 HP. Engler said his quad got to 62 mph in 2.5 seconds and raced on to a top speed of 217 mph. The thing rode on a custom aluminum frame and had a “carbonium” hybrid carbon and titanium body resulting in a weight of just 2,400 pounds. So, I’ll take Engler’s word that the thing was stupid fast.

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But I guess it wasn’t stupid fast enough because as the F.F edged closer to production, Engler decided to crank up the power to 1,100 HP. Now, I want to remind you that this is a vehicle capable of going 217 mph while you sit on a saddle without a seatbelt and nothing more than a little structure behind the seat to hold you in. There’s a handlebar to turn, but no leaning and oh yeah, in some places in the world you won’t even need to wear a helmet to drive, er, ride it.


Do you want to know just how long the Desat has been in development? As noted above, Top Gear reviewed one just last month and the publication notes that it drove a prototype that didn’t even have the advertised twin-turbo upgrade. Engler further says that the prototype hasn’t even been faster than 120 mph, either.

So, you can’t even buy a production Desat yet. Also, be sure to look at Top Gear’s photos because they illustrate how insane the whole thing looks. A Desat looks like a desecrated Audi R8, but I think you’ll be going so fast and holding on so hard you won’t have time to think about that.

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Perhaps confusingly, Engler Automotive has announced the Desat’s evolution before the Desat itself even goes into series production. Meet the Engler V12, and if you thought the Desat was crazy, this is certifiably insane.

The Engler V12 starts underneath as the new car quad bike super thingy gets a carbon monocoque tub like a hypercar. Attached to it are chromoly-titanium tubular subframes and 3D printed titanium accessories. The suspension is equally fancy with forged aluminum alloy and titanium double wishbones, helical springs, and electronically controlled shocks. You also get 20-inch magnesium wheels shod in Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires. Stopping the show are Brembo six-pot calipers up front and four-pots in the rear.


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All of this is driven by a V12 engine of unknown origin. In its base tune, this engine will make 700 HP, but the flagship will be the boosted 1,200 HP and 885 lb-ft of torque deathtrap. Engler won’t say where this engine comes from or how big it is, but does say it’ll be connected to an eight-speed dual-clutch automatic weighing just 66 pounds. Engler says this will be the lightest transmission ever fitted to a road car.

The mention of weight is a bit fun because despite all of the exotic materials and claims of lightness, the Engler V12 is heavier than the Desat at 2,645 pounds. Still, Engler is claiming a top speed of 250 mph, which is just insane. Of course, all of these specs are projected and again, it bears noting that the Desat hasn’t even entered production yet nor has it even gone close to its estimated top speed.

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As for why this even exists, Engler says:


“In 2020, one of my clients presented me with a challenge: ‘Create for me a unique Engler, one that only a few of us can possess – a creation even more extraordinary than the DESAT.’ Motivated by this task, I immediately sought out Stefan, the CEO of Valta Engineering, our trusted in-house development partner. Within a matter of weeks, the initial visualizations were transformed into reality. We discussed this project extensively in numerous meetings, always with the notion of ‘next in line, one day we should.’ However, it wasn’t until the summer of last year that a sudden realization struck us: it was no longer a question of ‘if,’ but rather ‘when, if not now, and who, if not us?

Just three months ago, this vehicle existed solely on paper.

In an era dominated by discussions of downsizing, reduced cylinder counts, disappearing engine displacements, and the rise of hybrid vehicles, we’ve chosen to take a different path. We proudly introduce the ENGLER V12.”.

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Is that a BMW handlebar?

Again, I feel the need to point out just how bonkers the prospect of this machine is. Right, so there are seriously fast motorcycles out there and dummy quick cars out there. The speed itself isn’t that surprising.

However, the hypercars that go 250 mph encapsulate their drivers in a bubble with harnesses and often some ridiculously strong racing-inspired structure. The riders of the motorcycles going that fast are tucked in and are leaning into turns. The prospective driver of a Engler V12 will be going hypercar and superbike fast but without a windshield, without leaning, and with little more than their muscles keeping them in place.

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That sounds terrifying and maybe a bit arousing, like hooking your nipples up to one of those little machines designed to shock you. Of course, it’s supposed to be all luxurious, too, so the seats, and yes, there are two of them, are made out of the same leather covering Hermès bags. You also get two infotainment screens, one for you and your terrified passenger, complete with Apple CarPlay. You get all of that for the mouth-watering price of 1.2m Euros, or $1,322,580 at current exchange rates.

It’s also hard to say if you or I would ever see one of these in real life. I mean yes, Engler Automotive does have a prototype out there. Lots of influencers have driven it, too. However, the company is already moving on to its second product before its first product has even gone into serial production. That said, Engler says it has the capacity to build 10 vehicles a year and already has five pre-orders for the Engler V12.


I really hope it does go into production because the Engler V12 is equal parts death wish and thrill ride. It’s a bike that you can’t lean and a car that can’t protect you. That’s terrible! Yet, I’m drawn in. Hey, I just got a passport, and I need to take an international trip, just sayin’.

(Images: Engler Automotive)

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Marc Johnston
Marc Johnston
1 month ago

I have owned 2 different Spyders, a 2008 RS and a 2012 RT. Driving the interstate here in WV @ 70mph through our mountains would literally wear me out from me having to brace for the turns. I can only imagine trying to hold on to this damn thing.

1 month ago

How trustworthy is the company? Because it seems like vaporware for now. Top Gear seemed to prove the Desat is a real thing with a real engine, so that’s a start. The unknown origin of the V12 is the biggest red flag on this model, because those engines aren’t exactly common. Would be nice to know where they are supposedly sourcing it.

1 month ago

I feel like this guy is gonna sell his production to people who want to be like, “OK, check this thing out…” when they give tours of their garages.

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
1 month ago

Yes, those same kinds of quads you fell off of as a kid.

Nope. I’m old enough that I fell off of three-wheelers and minibikes as a kid. Much easier.

Major Malfunction
Major Malfunction
1 month ago

$1.4 million and not one cup holder? I’ll pass.

Ecsta C3PO
Ecsta C3PO
1 month ago

Did they not even consider benchmarking against the Subaru Ascent?

1 month ago

All of the disadvantages of a bike and a car, in one convenient package that doesn’t do either very well. If it doesn’t lean, what’s the purpose of sitting astride it instead of actually in it?

No weather protection, can’t lane split; it’s only marginally better than a trike, which allows you to hit every single pothole on the road with its three tracks.

I’m glad someone likes it, but it doesn’t appeal to this motorcycle and car enthusiast very much.

Your mileage may vary, but the no leaning thing while astride a seat makes no freaking sense to me.

1 month ago
Reply to  Dudeoutwest

yeah I guess it’s not made to make sense. if you corner too fast your getting thrown off the quad. like driving a supercar with no doors, no seatbelt/harness, flat bench seats.
plus terrible steering control when you’re on the edge of getting thrown out and gripping the handlebars for dear life.
the only purpose of quads is a small/lightweight off-road tractor that doesn’t need to go fast or corner.

Last edited 1 month ago by Geemy
Maryland J
Maryland J
1 month ago

Very cool. That price tag is bonkers though. By comparison you could get a BAC mono for ~200k now.

1 month ago

HOORAY FOR PASSPORT! There’s some great cheap flights from ORD. Iceland Air has good fare sales via Keflavik sometimes, like $600 RT to Copenhagen, and LOT Polish has some interesting direct flights. Netherlands is a great “starter country”, especially if you get out of Amsterdam proper and check out places like Groningen or Den Haag.

In re Engler: anyone selling widowmakers to billionaires is OK in my book.

1 month ago
Reply to  Gubbin

Maybe they should start making submarines too.

1 month ago

I think I like this just because it is so bonkers. I dont really care for the ultra-ultra rare hyper-car things for a bunch or reasons, and I don’t think we need another one. But this is so absurd I like it. Will you really be able to use its potential? no, but you can’t do use the power from any other super car, even many sports cars.
But it is so ridiculous! Its a small car that you ride like a quad! I like that this if different ridiculous.
I hope the company is able to keep making silly things without resorting be being dirtbags like Hennesey or complete vaporware that vanishes when investors ask for results.

1 month ago

Where could the v12 be coming from? In house?

1 month ago

I’d feel like a dweeb straddling that instead of sitting behind a wheel.

Twobox Designgineer
Twobox Designgineer
1 month ago

In what country coupd this be registered and allowed on a public road, having four wheels and being sans seatbelts, airbags, and all those other legal requirements that stave off a premature death?

Boyd Sloane
Boyd Sloane
1 month ago


1 month ago
Reply to  Boyd Sloane

Basic safety is woke.

Boyd Sloane
Boyd Sloane
1 month ago
Reply to  PJ

Nah, it’s just a standard golf cart loophole. It’s not that deep, lol.

Alan Christensen
Alan Christensen
1 month ago

Toys for the petro bros. Besides, it’s hard to flex in your hypercar when it’s hard to see who’s driving. So now you can sit right out in the open when you slow roll the boulevard blipping the throttle off the rev limiter.

Austin Vail
Austin Vail
1 month ago

Well that’s terrifying. I want to see it in the next Mission Impossible movie, and hopefully never on the news.

1 month ago

Yep, that’s a BMW handlebar & switchgear, and I say give it back.

Cheap Bastard
Cheap Bastard
1 month ago

Thanks but I prefer to get my adrenaline fix juggling sweaty sticks of old dynamite while wing walking at 250 mph.

1 month ago

The Engler V12 – Because submarine voyages for the ultra-wealthy were just too safe!

Grey alien in a beige sedan
Grey alien in a beige sedan
1 month ago

They call that the widow maker.

Rick Garcia
Rick Garcia
1 month ago

Exactly what I was thinking. A fun way to die.

Nsane In The MembraNe
Nsane In The MembraNe
1 month ago

I’ve done about 60 on a quad before and even that was terrifying. Hell I came within a few inches of hurling myself off of one at speeds not that much slower than that. This is more or less just a very expensive and gaudy way to un-alive yourself. But that’s the 1% for you, even in death they NEED to tell you about how much richer than you they are.

But hey, that may not be a bad thing! I vote we send Elon or Trump one of these right away and tell them they’re not manly enough to hit 250. Natural selection will take it from there.

Boyd Sloane
Boyd Sloane
1 month ago

One thing is for sure, you aren’t gonna have to worry about the valet parking it at the back of the lot.

1 month ago

I’m not sure I’m down with a 2700 pound, 1200 HP machine you “ride on” rather than “sit in”. With even a minor dip in throttle or brake discipline, this thing will happily continue on without you.
Make sure you’re wearing an airbag jacket.

Zorn Zornelius
Zorn Zornelius
1 month ago
Reply to  Tekamul

I think the monocoque would rip you in half before the airbag could deploy.

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 month ago

With the massive go power *and* the massive braking power, I would want that bum-stop seat to be significantly bum-stoppier – in both directions. 😮

1 month ago
Reply to  A. Barth

Well, how would that work? Grab your legs and hope you don’t need to make a quick dismount?

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 month ago
Reply to  Musicman27

No – sportbikes typically have a sort of U-shaped place for the pilot to sit, with the fuel tank (or its cosmetic equivalent) at the front and the pillion seat at the back. It allows left/right movement but not fore/aft. Something like this:


That seating arrangement means you’re not trying keep yourself from sliding backward under acceleration and not trying to hold yourself in position under hard braking.

Last edited 1 month ago by A. Barth
1 month ago
Reply to  A. Barth

That is indeed, a crucial detail that is missing in this.

The quads still awesome nonetheless.

Last edited 1 month ago by Musicman27
1 month ago

I’d totally ride this. But giving it slippery aerodynamics like a salt flats racer and re-gearing it to take advantage of having under 1/3 the drag of what is pictured above would be even better. Why stop at 250 mph?

Rad Barchetta
Rad Barchetta
1 month ago

Carbonium sounds like something from a Super Friends cartoon.

Bjorn A. Payne Diaz
Bjorn A. Payne Diaz
1 month ago

I can’t tell if I’m mad or happy this exists.

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